Florida Republican Ron DeSantis Issues Order To Get Rid Of Common Core

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BROWARD – Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Thursday he will get rid of Common Core in the state and wants to have parents and teachers help implement a revised set of standards in 2020.

“Common Core has failed teachers, parents, and our children,” DeSantis wrote on Twitter Thursday. “That’s why I am issuing an Executive Order to eliminate Common Core in Florida. We will streamline standardized testing, make civics a priority in schools and increase the literacy rate.”

Common Core aimed to establish high academic standards in K-12 English and math.

Critics of Common Core said it was too rigid, confusing teaching methods for parents and takes away control from locals, according to Fox 13. DeSantis wants to implement a new plan, with the input of parents and teachers, in 2020.

“I told you I was going to do something about this,” DeSantis said at a press conference, WFTV reported.

Broward County Public Schools superintendent Robert Runice, whose district experienced the Parkland shooting in February 2018, is on board with DeSantis.

“I welcome the opportunity to work with the governor and the commissioner of Education on revising standards and regulations to give local districts greater flexibility on curriculum and testing,” Runcie said in a statement, according to Local 10. “We need fundamental reforms in public education that will give our teachers the freedom they need to better engage students. It is time to reduce our reliance on a testing culture that is more about ranking students on their potential, when our focus should be more on developing their potential.”

DeSantis’s office did not immediately respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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