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Obstetrician: New York’s Late-Term Abortion Law Is Most Barbaric Law That’s Been Written in American History, Mothers Will Die As Result


NEW YORK – Obstetrician and GOP Rep. Roger Marshall of Kansas said mothers will die as a result of New York state’s late-term abortion law, on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday.

“Nobody in America thinks that murdering a baby just minutes before delivery is right. That this is the most barbaric law that’s been written in American history,” Marshall said.

“But what no one is talking about is that this is actually very, very dangerous for moms. That moms are going to die from this procedure. So as an obstetrician I’ve delivered thousands of babies. And if I can make one thing clear, I’ve never done an abortion. But as an obstetrician I have to take care of all those complications. So the later the … abortion is done the greater risk there is to the mom as well.”

Marshall said late-term abortions are fraught with peril and can cause physical complications that will send women to the emergency room.

“The most common complications that I saw as an obstetrician is number one, the uterus was perforated during the procedure. When that uterus gets bigger it’s much easier to perforate,” he said.

“But the other complication even more common is just hemorrhaging. So what I would typically see is an woman in the emergency room, in shock, hemorrhaging from this procedure and we would have to rush them to the emergency room and literally we would be fishing out pieces of the baby that they left behind or pieces of the placenta, so that uterus cannot clamp down afterwards.”

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo released a statement to rebut Marshall’s Tuesday op-ed about late-term abortions and suggested the Congressman actually read the law.  Marshall told Cuomo to stick to being a lawyer and leave the medical issues to licensed physicians.

“I think the Governor should maybe walk in the shoes of an obstetrician for 20 years as well,” he said. “I think that this is very mentally damaging to the patients. And I think he’s a lawyer not a physician. Maybe he should stick to being a lawyer.”

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