Mueller Expects Roger Stone Trial To Last Just 5-8 Days, Including Any Cross – Examination


WASHINGTON – The special counsel’s office said Friday that prosecutors need only between five and eight days to present their case against Roger Stone, the Trump confidant accused of lying to Congress and witness tampering.

Stone was indicted on Jan. 24 on charges that he made false statements to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. He is also accused of tampering with a witness subpoenaed by the House panel.

Mueller has investigated whether Stone had inside knowledge about WikiLeaks’ plans to publish emails stolen from Democrats during the 2016 campaign.

Prosecutors said that the 5-8 day timeline includes any cross-examination by Stone’s lawyers of government witnesses.

Stone, 69, is accused of lying to Congress when he denied discussing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with associates and members of the Trump campaign. He is also accused of attempting to deter left-wing activist Randy Credico from testifying to the House Intelligence Committee. Stone claims that Credico was a source of information about WikiLeaks’ plans to release emails. Text messages released by Stone show that Credico provided him with updates about when WikiLeaks would dump emails that would be damaging to the Clinton campaign.

Stone has not been accused of taking part in the efforts to steal or disseminate the emails.

Stone has said that he plans to take his case to trial. The judge handling the case has said that she expects the trial to take place in late summer or early fall.

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