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Backroom Boys Led by Schumer, Schiff, Pelosi Who Tried to Rig Defeat of Trump Well Before the Election Got Bloodied, Bruised and Lost Their Shirts

The Democrat Party has been bloodied and bruised since the bookies lost their shirts with the supposedly out of his class, Trump beating the odds of 100 to one against him. At this rate, they’ll never make it. They are swinging wildly and their vision is blurry.

BOCA RATON – An experienced, outclassed boxer will bob, weave and scramble around the ring in order to avoid getting clobbered. The current Democrat Party should be so lucky. They have been bloodied and bruised since the bookies lost their shirts with the supposedly out of his class, Trump beating the odds of 100 to one against him given by the New York Times in his 2016 featured bout against Hillary. This “loser,” “moron,” “unprofessional” startled the political world with a battering of his enemies that continues today, with the Democrats resorting to low blows, clinches and taking the eight count in vain efforts to remain standing to the 2020 tenth round. At this rate, they’ll never make it. They are swinging wildly and their vision is blurry.

The backroom boys led by the Schumer, Schiff, Pelosi gang tried to rig the defeat of President Trump well before the election with the now exposed FISA dirty tricks campaign of claiming his “collusion” with Russia. He “committed treason” claimed Congressman Schiff. Senator McCaskell shrieked that Trump was encouraging Russia “to invade us” and apparently all of the well heeled Hollywood crowd was in Hillary’s corner reading from the same script, calling for Trump’s head on a bloodied platter. They brought in a stacked deck investigatory group to uncover Trump’s criminal behavior. All to no avail. The 2 1/2 year ordeal of the Mueller inquiry ended (we thought) with no charges of “collusion” being brought against the sitting president. But the Far Progressive Left is singing their own version the old Yogi Berra refrain, “It ain’t over till we say it’s over.”

This anvil chorus of anti-Trumpers will roll on with their frame-ups of obstruction of justice, mental instability and any other wild accusations leading to further investigations with no end in sight. Forget about any purposeful forthcoming legislation from the Democrat controlled House to benefit the country. They will be bound up in continual circus-like impeachment proceedings leading up to the 2020 elections hoping that they will be able to convince enough Americans to give them control of the Senate and the presidency where they can once again crown another Obama-like figure to lead us down the fascist failed path of social justice for all.

We must all sit back and try to go on with our lives while this cast of characters perform their scripted roles in taking jabs and head butts against President Trump. Strangely enough, the ringside scorecard shows him ahead on points leading with a booming, low inflation economy, a 50 year high in employment, including blacks, women and other minorities being hired at record rates, we’re energy independent, we’ve settled into an aggressive, successful foreign trade policy which includes stemming the belligerency of Iran and N. Korea and we’re finally standing side by side with Israel to keep democracy alive in the Middle East. Let’s throw in Trump’s military blocking of Islam’s attempts to rule the world. Not bad for a “neophyte, second string, ignorant, vulgar” president. We’re waiting for the tenth and final round in November, 2020.

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