HOLLYWOOD, FL – Sheriff Gregory Tony was appointed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, on January 11, 2019, as a replacement for ex-Sheriff Scott Israel, whom DeSantis removed that day.
Tony was apparently chosen to replace Israel due to the confidence felt in him by such Broward residents as Andrew Pollack, father of Meadow Pollack, who was murdered at the massacre that took place on February 14, 2018 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Pollack is said to be close to Tony, so many accepted Pollack’s recommendation and applauded Tony’s appointment. Tony is also reportedly an expert in dealing with active shooter scenarios, which seems like a good criterion when choosing a sheriff.
That being said, since taking office, Tony has demonstrated a firm refusal to discuss certain laws that he knowingly violates. He has been informed by certified letter of laws that he is obligated to enforce, but which he has refused to enforce. (Alprazolam) And he refuses to discuss his refusal, or to amend his lawless attitude and procedure.
Tony has received at least 11 requests for an appointment to discuss the details of this issue, the first on February 28, 2019, the latest three months later, near the end of May, including one request by certified mail. He has declined to reply at any time.
So what is the issue?
The issue has to do with the perpetuation of the unlawful employment by Broward Sheriff’s Office of Deputy Nezar Hamze, who against the advice of three majors was hired as a deputy by ex-Sheriff Scott Israel in 2013. Hamze is ineligible to hold any sworn public office in America, according to the Constitution of the United States, due to his allegiance to a body of law that diametrically opposes the Constitution, and due to his fundraising and other activity in support of self-defined enemies of the United States, which constitutes treason. There are other additional reasons, as well.
While it is true that Hamze was hired by Scott Israel, Tony is the sheriff today. Tony’s responsibility with regard to this matter is unavoidable. It cannot be blamed exclusively on the ex-sheriff, since Tony is now in charge. (http://magnumcompanies.co/)
But must Tony actually enforce the Constitution? Presumably, he must. He took an oath to support and defend the Constitution as a prerequisite to taking office. The governor chose him as the appointee, but law required him to swear allegiance to the Constitution prior to taking office, which oath would have been violated by his refusal to keep it.
Moreover, according to Chapter 943 of Florida Statutes, all law enforcement officials have a primary statutory responsibility of preventing and detecting crime. The employment of Nezar Hamze, for all of the reasons mentioned, is certainly a crime.
Hamze’s employment as a deputy is unlawful, and is in line with the destructive, published agenda of the organization of which he is an operative, the Muslim Brotherhood, which has explained its objective of destroying America in its publication titled “Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.”
Tony is aware of all of the main details of this issue. He is aware of his statutory responsibility, as well. But he prefers not to fulfill that responsibility. He remains silent with regard to the matter. He hides behind a wall of silence in the ivory tower of his 5th-floor office, as Deputy Hamze continues to promote lawlessness, subversion, and treason.
To be fair, there is nothing unusual in America, or in the West, about Tony’s lawless attitude and procedure. It is all too common. We seem not to have anyone in authority who is willing to enforce constitutional law. Their silence is deafening. And their cowardly complicity could lead to the collapse of civilization.
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