DELRAY BEACH, FL – That song by Kenny Rogers should be played before any gathering of Democrats who are pushing to impeach the president.
It seems the “egg on their face” Democrats can’t seem to let go of their narrative that President Trump committed impeachable crimes of which four agencies said he didn’t commit (the FBI, the House Committee on Oversight, and the Senate Committee on Oversight, and the Mueller Report).
Even after the disastrous performance of the so-called architect of the Mueller Report, Robert Mueller, they (the Democrats) want to continue the charade of harassing the president by continuing the witch hunt that was started under the previous administration of President Obama. When will the saner heads of the Democrat Party raise its ugly head and start doing the business of the American people? Instead of wasting time and money trying to unseat a duly elected president, why don’t the House of Representatives address the problems of illegal immigration, repair of the country’s infrastructure, and add to the economy etc.? Those areas affect people’s lives, not the incessant investigation of the president of the United States which has been shown to be a hoax and a vindictive exercise of hatred for another person (in the case the president of the United States).
After the Mueller hearing, which was a disaster for the vengeful Democrats, and from which the Democrats did not get the “smoking gun” that they thought that Mueller was going to give them by his halting, out-of-touch, frail looking presentation, the Democrats have now doubled-down on their quest to continue their desire to unseat our president or to try to make him lose his re-election bid in 2020.
As one of the anti-Trump FBI agents, at the beginning of the Mueller Investigation who said of the charges of Trump’s conspiracy (a/k/a collusion) with the Russians, that there was no “there there” to hang the noose around the neck of President Trump in colluding with the Russians, it should have ended there. These frustrated Hillary Clinton Democrats are like a crazed pit bull who won’t let go of its victim. Until the leadership of the Democrats can convince the radical Democrat Trump haters from continuing their misguided “coup attempt” against the president, they will forego any chance of defeating President Trump at the polls in the 2020 election. Those members with TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) will lead their party into oblivion for the next few election cycles.
President Trump and the Republicans should encourage the path these disgruntled Democrats are pursuing because they are “the gift that keeps on giving” to their chances of maintaining the White House and to take back the House of Representatives and keeping the Senate.
So what Kenny Roger’s song advised to potential losers (in this case the Democrats) of “Know When to Fold ‘Em”, should be sufficient to bring sanity back into our political discourse, but I fear, with the hatred of President Trump so intense and ingrained among the Democrats, they will bury themselves without even the help of the Republicans.
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