DELRAY BEACH, FL – That’s the popular song made famous by Fats Domino (may he R.I.P.) in the 1950’s, but the title has pertinence today as to what is gong on as our culture has come under attack by Progressives (a/k/a Liberals, Democrat Socialists).
Within the last few years, we’ve seen one tradition after another come under attack by the Progressives and in its place, laws have been enacted and court decisions have been reached making prevailing morality and social order the enemy and instituting a “feel good” anything goes mentality on how we should conduct our affairs and our lives. Political correctness reigns supreme.
This assault on our traditional values began in the 1960’s when we passed “feel good” legislation declaring a “War on Poverty” under President Lyndon Johnson. The good intentions of helping the poor morphed into a plan to take from the successful in our society (a/k/a the rich and successful) and give to the less than successful by means of “income redistribution”. Instead of helping the poor better themselves, and after spending nearly $20 trillion since 1965, we have seen no marked improvement of the poor except that they have become more dependent upon the government for their everyday sustenance. In addition, the “War on Poverty” laws have had a deleterious effect upon the family, especially among the black community where over 70% of all black births are to single women without a father at home. The social consequences of this is now being manifested in the increase of criminal activity in that social class. Children growing up in a one-parent fatherless homes are many times more prone to drop out of school, indulge in petty crime as youngsters, get involved in gangs, and finally leading up to becoming adult criminals. As Fats Domino would say, “Ain’t That A Shame”.
Look around, what do you see? Drug use is being legalized in many states (and we have an opioid crisis to boot), and just lately we’ve had a couple of U.S. Supreme Court decisions that have turned our Constitution on its head. Those decisions were not based on constitutional law, but were based on the emotions of those judges own personal viewpoints and interpretations of what the law they thought it meant, not what the law actually meant.
It seems that Americans have become so “non-judgmental” that many people can no longer tell the difference between good and evil or right or wrong. Over the last few years, we have witnessed a lack of common sense morality that has real consequences for our nation.
Here are some of the negatives I’m referring to:
- The collapse of marriage (40-50% of marriages now end in divorce).
- Violent crime, especially in inner cities, has reached epidemic proportions (ex: Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis etc.).
- Poor government (one of the biggest factors is the dishonesty of our own politicians).
- Dependence by people on the government for their sustenance (1 out of 5 people are getting some sort of a government handout).
- The lack of civility and manners (especially among the young people who mostly come from single parent households [no father at home to give guidance]).
Finally, there is a concerted assault on our Judeo Christian heritage. Members of the media, academics, gays, George Soros, Democrat Party, and race baiters like Al Sharpton, Black Lives Matter, and Jesse Jackson, along with that “Fascist anti-Fascist” group called ANTIFA, have banded together to undo hundreds of years of traditions, traditions that have made the U.S.A. the greatest country and the envy of the entire world. Remember, in 2008, Barack Obama said that, if elected, he would “transform America”. Now, after his 8 years in office, what does that “transformation” look like? Now we have Donald Trump as president who is trying to undo what Obama did during his tenure in the White House. Will he succeed before the next election in 2020? It all depends on the electorate in November, 2020, whether common sense will prevail or will we fall further into the abyss of Marxism/Socialism which the Democrats (including Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders etc.) will be offering up as an alternative to Trump? If they succeed, then Fats Domino’s song of “Ain’t That a Shame” will be the cry of American patriots and grass-roots citizens as the USA slowly slips into what happened in the demise of the Roman Empire or what is happening in Venezuela today under Marxist/Socialist Nicolas Maduro, and in Castro’s Cuba.
Let’s hope that the song “Ain’t That a Shame” is not revived in the future over the demise of the U.S.A.
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