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Adam Schiff: You Are a Mouse Studying to Be a Rat

As one of the leading spokesmen of the latest Trump/Ukraine brouhaha, it was Adam Schiff who lied about himself or his staff meeting with the so-called “whistle blower” beforehand (a faux whistle blower who had no first hand knowledge of Trumps’s phone call with the newly elected Ukrainian President Zelensky).

DELRAY BEACH, FL – Ever since President Trump was elected president, his prime antagonist has been the partisan miscreant, Rep. Adam Schiff. Day after day, week after week, he has been making anti-Trump comments which have been totally debunked over and over again.

Why the animus toward President Trump? Who knows, except that Adam Schiff is a dyed-in-the-wool dishonest Democrat politician who rued the day that Trump was elected over his candidate, Hillary Clinton. He considers Trump to be an illegitimate president.

All during the discredited Mueller Investigation, Adam Shiff was proclaiming that President Trump was guilty of Russian collusion (a/k/a conspiracy), and that the evidence wasin plain sight. Besides these false proclamations, Schiff was accused of being the primary leaker of information emanating from the House Judiciary Committee. It was funny that testimony and information from the “closed door” sessions of the committee was broadcast in the media almost before the transcripts were written on the hearing. Most all these leaks had an anti-Trump spin attached. It seems that Adam Schiff never met a camera he didn’t like. It has been observed that one of the most dangerous places to be at was between a camera and Adam Schiff.

As one of the leading spokesmen of the latest Trump/Ukraine brouhaha, it was Adam Schiff who lied about himself or his staff meeting with the so-called “whistle blower” beforehand (a faux whistle blower who had no first hand knowledge of Trumps’s phone call with the newly elected Ukrainian President Zelensky). In his present position of Majority Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, he was supposed to be the person in charge of having the committee gather information without pre-conceived bias, but it seems that he has been both judge and jury in proclaiming that Trump is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors worthy of impeachment. He has been accused of being in charge of a “Kangaroo Impeachment Inquiry”, totally bereft of fairness toward the president and his fellow Republicans on the committee.

This whole made-up impeachment inquiry is the answer to the failed Mueller Report that cleared Trump from any involvement of colluding with the Russians. This whole “Ukraine Frame-Up” is a continuation of the failed Mueller Report. You could say that the “benign” Ukraine phone call was the catalyst for trying to continue to attach presidential malfeasance for the purpose of impeaching President Trump for high crimes and misdemeanors. A joke.

Never in our history of the Republic, has a president of the United States been subject to such harassment and false charges by the opposing party, solely for partisan political considerations. The Democrats and Adam Schiff can’t get over the fact that they lost the election (and power) in 2016, and that President Trump is attempting to “drain the swamp”. Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the gaggle of losers among the Democrats and their lackey’s in the media, should be ashamed of themselves for trying to unseat a duly elected president as payback for winning the last election. It seems like Wash. D.C. is being overrun, not by mice, but by overgrown rats masquerading as public servants headed up by Adam Schiff.

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