DELRAY BEACH, FL – What is happening to the Democrats? This past election has brought forth a least three “Dubious Dunces” that are now residing in the U.S. House of Representatives. Quite ironically, they all happen to be females and are listed as “minorities”. The three are: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI). I don’t consider them “dubious dunces” because they are females or minorities, I consider them “dubious dunces” for the ideas and rhetoric that they are promoting and using as elected representatives.
Let’s examine what they are proposing and saying that deserves the “dubious dunce” designation, and see if it applies to them.
The new “princess” of the Democrat Party, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of Puerto Rican descent, was elected in a district that was a majority Hispanic district that encompassed the NYC boroughs of Queens and the Bronx (she beat out long-time incumbent Representative Joe Crowley in the Democrat primary). She is a self-proclaimed a “Democrat Socialist” (the Democrat, in that designation, is used by her to temper the fact that she is a dyed-in-the-wool Socialist). This was her initial entry into politics, and as a 29 year old (she just turned 30), she has limited political experience, and it shows. The press has adopted her as the future of the Democrat Party and she has appeared on many talk shows, mainly CNN and MSNBC, to present her socialist views. During her many interviews, when asked serious policy questions, she reacts like a “deer in the headlights”, but she also seems to get a pass by the friendly liberal hosts on those programs since she is a Democrat. In other words, she can’t articulate a rational response other than Bernie Sanders (an avowed Socialist) talking points. For example, she said she’d like to see the income tax rate raised on wealthy people to 70% (a guaranteed poison pill for the U.S. economy) and that we should institute Medicare for all and she wants a Green New Deal. Believe it or not, she graduated from Boston University with an Economics degree. Go figure. What is Boston University teaching its economics students?
Next we have Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who is a Somali- American Muslim, who has railed against the State of Israel as being a country that has occupied territory that belongs to the Palestinians. She also has joined in the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction) movement that seeks to deny the Jewish people (Israel) the right of free trade. She is considered not only to be an anti-Semite, but also a Socialist. She is very critical of President Trump and has called for his impeachment along with being very critical of our Constitution.
In addition, we have Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), who is a Palestinian-American Muslim, who also has proclaimed vehemently that we should impeach President Trump by proclaiming at a public gathering that “We’re gonna impeach the “mother fu_ker”. Even with the backlash about what she said, she doubled down and said she was not sorry. She is also an advocate of the BDS movement and has railed against Jews and the State of Israel and has equated Zionism with Nazism. All three consider themselves “Democrat Socialists”.
If those three weren’t scary enough, we have the likes of Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA), who has been leading the way to call for the impeachment of President Trump, just because she doesn’t like him with a passion, and that he won the election for president over her candidate, Hillary Clinton. She also is a Socialist sympathizer. Others in the category of “loony” Democrats are, Representative Hank Johnson (D-GA) who believes that by us having too many troops stationed on the island of Guam it might just tip over as a result (you can’t just make that up).He also has equated President Trump as being a reincarnation of Adolph Hitler. On the Senate side, we have professed radicals (and potential Democrat candidates for president) in Senator Cory Booker, Senator Kamala Harris, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and independent Senator Bernie Sanders, who caucus’ with the Democrats, and who is a bleeding-heart liberal who is also an avowed Socialist.
All those named above, could fall into the category of being called “Dubious Dunces”, as their far-left policies would make the U.S.A. a candidate to become the next Cuba or Venezuela. This is all the more reason why we must support the policies of President Trump in his quest to make and keep America great. (https://mirrorspectator.com/)
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