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Why the Democratic Party “Really” Wants to Impeach Donald Trump

U.S. Representative and House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff questioning Joseph Maguire, the Acting Director of National Intelligence The Rayburn House Office Building in the Capitol Hill area of Washington, D.C. – Photo credit C-SPAN.

NEW YORK, NY – It is clear that the Democratic Party seeks the removal and impeachment of the President, but what might be the real reason? The first and most pressing reason is a power struggle.

The Democratic Party is still largely structured of national, state, and local power. Until recently, the Congress has been under the control of the Republicans. The state legislatures and governors are mostly Republican. In short, the country, local, state, and national has largely been under Republican control and the Democratic Party is desperate to get back into power. At stake are large sums of money and desirable and important jobs throughout the federal system, in particular the federal judiciary.

Nevertheless, the questions must be asked, why seek to remove and impeach a president who has done such good?

This President:

So, the question remains: why impeach?

  • The Democrats want illegal immigration for their votes and to regain power. By the same token, the Democrats want Muslim immigration for their votes.
  • Corporate America, with the support of both parties, want a cheap pool of labor without benefits, as they do not care about poor Americans who are being cut out of the workforce.

No amount of political rhetoric can hide the reality and truth of what is occurring. The Democrats with the cry of compassion and love, fail to hide their real goals and purposes.

Finally, another final and most compelling reason;

 So, all in all, as far as Democrats are concerned, this President, this leader – must be removed at all costs and with every weapon of political rhetoric at their command – at the cost of the interests of the American people.

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