FORT LAUDERDALE, FL – It has come the attention of the Broward Sheriff’s Office that a social media post is circulating with a claim that representatives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are going to residences dressed in protective gear and conducting COVID-19 testing. This is untrue. The CDC is not visiting residents’ homes.
During these times, scammers are seeking opportunities to take advantage of consumers. We encourage you to be vigilant in identifying scams and review these helpful tips:
- Scams can include social media posts, texts and websites meant to take your personal information and money and infect computers.
- Think twice before investing in companies who say they are working on a coronavirus cure. Check official sources like the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission before being lured into a scam.
- Be aware of fake fundraising. Verify the charity is legitimate. If someone wants donations in cash, gift card or by wiring money, don’t do it.
- Watch out for online marketing of vaccinations or products claiming to treat the virus.
- Do not click on unfamiliar links or emails. Phishing emails may mention the coronavirus, medical supplies or claim to be from government, national or local health organizations in order to get users to open the message that unleashes malware.
- Watch for emails claiming to be from the CDC or experts saying they have information about the virus.
- Be aware of entering personal information into websites.
If you see or experience something unusual or have a question about something you heard, you can call the Broward Sheriff’s Office non-emergency line at 954-764-4357. In the event of an emergency, dial 911.
Sheriff Gregory Tony and the men and women of the Broward Sheriff’s Office are dedicated to your safety and well-being. BSO will continue to monitor and address safety issues and concerns. (locals.md) For additional important information, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter or via our media alerts.
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