Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw Releases Public Service Video Message On Compliance With County And Governor’s Emergency Orders


WEST PALM BEACH, FL – The Palm Beach County Sherriff’s Office has released an important message to members of the community regarding compliance with Governor Ron DeSantis’s Executive Order. The following message was released today, April 2, 2020.

I’m Sheriff Rick Bradshaw with an important message. I want to thank the vast majority of people for complying with all of the county and governor’s emergency orders. ( ( Unfortunately, there are some people that have decided not to help out in these troubled times and ignore the orders. The Sheriff’s Office, along with all law enforcement in this county is making every effort to walk softly and warn people about their responsibility, but I want to be very clear about non-compliance. We will enforce the emergency orders and non-compliance could result in your arrest. It’s my hope that we will not have to get to that point. We need to take care of each other and get through this troubled time. Be responsible, be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Help me protect you and your family. Comply don’t deny.

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