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Joe Biden And The Peter Sellers Character “Chauncey Gardiner”

Chauncey Gardiner, the character in Being There, became a world-renowned pundit by saying nothing of substance. It was a clever performance by Sellers, but it reminds one of how Joe Biden communicates today as he runs for the office of president as a Democrat. Image credit: Left, United Artists, Right, Drop of Light /

DELRAY BEACH, FL – Back in 1979, the late comedy actor, Peter Sellers, had a movie called “Being There”, that featured a character named “Chauncey Gardiner” (an ordinary gardener for a rich person), and by some quirk of action, happenstance, or nature, he became a world-renowned pundit by saying nothing of substance. It was a clever performance by Sellers, but it reminds one of how Joe Biden communicates today as he runs for the office of president as a Democrat.

“Chauncey Gardiner”, being limited in the ways of the world, made vague comments that others, in high places, interpreted as insightful with hidden meanings, but in reality they were just musings of a semi-literate person.  This charade went on as more and more people saw something in his empty words that others thought was earth shattering.

Today, Sleepy Joe Biden, in his many verbal comments (many are called gaffes), seems to make unintelligible statements that his fellow Democrats and a fawning media purposely overlook as they try to prop him up as a candidate that they think could beat President Trump at the polls in November.

Sooner or later (maybe too late for the Democrats), I’m sure that the powers-to-be in the Democrat Party, will come to their senses and entertain the idea that they will need another candidate to face Trump in November.

As we all know, as a person ages, he/she has a tendency to slow down both mentally and physically. Some show little decline, but others show obvious signs of decline. I put Joe Biden in that latter category. It’s a shame that the people around him, his wife, his family, his handlers, and the heads of the Democrat Party, are letting him embarrass himself by letting him remain as a candidate. The way things are going, and according to the odds-makers in Las Vegas,  it’ll be a blowout for Trump in November if Biden is the Democratic candidate.

So the lessons learned from that Peter Sellers movie, “Being There”, and its featured character, “Chauncey Gardiner”, can be applied to the candidacy of Joe Biden. Nobody, whether a Democrat or Republican, wants to see someone embarrass himself in his senior years. Unfortunately, we are seeing a personal disaster in the making as Joe Biden continues on in his quest to become president.

By the Democrats having a candidate like Joe Biden facing off against President Trump, it will be a gift from heaven for the Republicans.

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