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Only One Nation Still Capable Of Preventing Chinese Communist Party From Ruling The World

We are now, to all intents and purposes, in a war with the CCP, as we have been without our knowledge for many years. Photo credit: Mirko Kuzmanovic /, licensed.

BOCA RATON, FL – The whole world is now in an unprecedented dilemma. Its population is mostly home bound, in panic. Its production of everything, from soup to nuts is at a virtual standstill. The only nation reaping benefits from this disaster, seems to be the initiator of this situation… China. The nation that bred the virus and sent it out from its Hunan labs to contaminate the world, is strangely enough producing the face masks that now seem to be the most visible garment on earth and its pharmaceutical industry, that throughout the previous years, it swiped right out from the noses of the West, is flourishing. China’s shameless totalitarianism is growing as evidenced by its shredding of the Sino-British joint declaration that guaranteed that city’s democracy until 2047. What can Britain do to this military giant? Not a thing. However, there’s only one nation still capable of preventing Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from ruling (and we’re serious about that statement) the world. And that is the United States under our current leadership of President Trump.

President Trump is calling out the CCP for its mishandling of the Chinese virus, permitting, and most probably even encouraging its pollution of the entire planet. He has called them out for their brutal suppression and incarceration of its Muslim population. He has stood by the vulnerable island nation of Taiwan, threatened by China, by promising we would come to their defense if attacked by the giant next door. He has demanded of our corporations, no longer loyal to the nation that nurtured and gave them life, that they return their factories and know-how to this country. He has awakened us to the stupidity of our leaders over the last few decades, who have without doubt been bought off by the CCP. We need to open up the files of our current and prior elected officials who seem to have had a love affair with their Chinese puppet masters who control the strings. They must be outed.

If Trump is re-elected he will have close to another five years to stand toe-to-toe with the Chinese. He has promised to see to it that their students, studying at our most prestigious universities, taking home to their leaders our own technology,  be ordered to return home. Future college enrollments from China have to be curtailed. Our security agencies have outed university professors and charged them with spying for the CCP regime. How many more of them are there. And the Chinese sponsored propaganda programs in our universities are being curtailed. We are moving, slowly but encouragingly, getting our steam up, to remove the Chinese influence from calling the shots in our own country. And this move will continue – if he is re-elected. A Biden White House, with the Biden family ties to China would not only be a disgrace it would be a disaster for us and the world. A true Manchurian Candidate. 

We are now, to all intents and purposes, in a war with the CCP, as we have been without our knowledge for many years. Perhaps this might lead to a physical clash in the future. We must prepare ourselves now to be self sufficient in the areas of manufacturing, food, pharmaceuticals, natural resources and military equipment. We must encourage countries around the world to take heed of the dangers ahead. We must keep our eyes on those nations within NATO that tie themselves to China. We must play hard ball with them to join with us in the fight for world wide democracy now threatened by the brutal, Communist, totalitarian, murderous China. Remember, it’s not the people we condemn, but their leaders. Our rallying cry…. Re-elect Trump and buy only…MADE IN AMERICA!!!!!

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