Florida Business Leader, John M. Crossman, Launches New Company, New Website, Audio Book With Inspiration and Wisdom In Time of Crisis

ORLANDO, FL – As Florida and the nation struggle to slowly reopen during the ongoing coronavirus crisis, many families and businesses are struggling with doubts, fear for the future and depression. In this time of crisis, when encouragement and clear thinking are badly needed, one of Florida’s most successful and well known business leaders, John M. Crossman, is on a mission to fill at least some of the void, with inspiration and wisdom gleaned from his decades of experience.
Crossman, author of the best seller and award winning book, Career Killers/Career Builders, has made it available in audio format through Amazon, just launched a web site www.crossmancb.com and is preparing to resume his speaking engagements. The goal: to inspire and motivate, counsel and coach a new generation of entrepreneurs and leaders in one of the most challenging times in American history.
“I consider myself a servant-leader,” says Crossman, son of the late pastor and noted civil rights advocate, Rev. Kenneth Crossman, and former president of Orlando-based Crossman & Co., one of the Southeast’s leading commercial real estate firms. Through his new firm and web site, Crossman Career Builders, Crossman says he hopes to shine a light on ways “out of the darkness,” pathways to a future where personal and business success are tightly bound and meaningful.
While his award winning 131-page book is aimed largely at young professionals and college students, many of the lessons and advice gleaned from his years as a rising young executive and entrepreneur are universal, and timeless.
Faith, devotion to friends, family and society, are integral parts woven throughout and explained in concrete examples, lessons distilled from his own life.
Audio books are particularly popular with Millennials and Generation Z, accounting in fact for nearly half of all sales. They often listen in while unwinding, doing chores, exercising, multi-tasking – young adults totally comfortable with modern communication tools.
John Martinez, strategic advisor at Crossman Career Builders, who is helping Crossman with the company website and future speaking engagements, emphasized two major focuses. First, to help young people be successful, personally and professionally, and secondly to encourage and equip veteran executives who may be struggling with family issues, failures, mental health and perhaps success but lack of fulfillment.
“We’ve had those issues,” Martinez said. “By sharing some of our own struggles we are better able to connect with others who may be going thorough dark times of their own. In today’s environment, the routine and commonplace challenges of the past are compounded tenfold by the Covid-19 coronavirus. The need is great.”
Crossman, who has lectured for years in college honors classes, says mentorship and friendship are two proven keys to success. But a third tool in the toolbox can be a lifesaver:
“Professional counseling. Don’t shun it,” Crossman says. “Be willing and humble enough to ask for professional help when you need it.”
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