Nunes: Criminal Referrals From Mueller Team Due In Next Week Or Two; Says As Many As 10 Criminal Referrals Coming From Phony Investigation


WASHINGTON, DC – It has become more and more apparent that top officials in the Obama administration played a role in an anti-Trump probe and U.S. Representative Devin Nunes is determined to bring those involved to justice. In an OAN News exclusive interview, Nunes said that the House Intelligence Committee is just weeks away from issuing criminal referrals as part of the Mueller probe. One America’s John Hines spoke to Rep. Devin Nunes about that investigation which indicates “significant progress” has been made.

“We’re looking at the transcripts and then we just have to go back and compare it to what we know as on the as House Republicans on the Intelligence Committee so you know we continue to peel back what the Mueller team did that we will be making criminal referrals on the Mueller team and that’s just an ongoing process and you know we’re hopeful within the next week or two to have those additional referrals made.” He added “There is no question that this was a coup, and a plot to take out the President and what started as a dirty trick by the Clinton campaign and dirty operatives working with dirty cops at the FBI and DOJ to open up a phony and fake investigation which I believe what they really wanted to have was an October surprise and they had involved the media in all of this too all through 2016 you had people in the media that clearly were getting the dossier that were promoting this Russian hoax out to the American people. Hillary Clinton herself was out there talking about it along with all her surrogates that somehow Trump was colluding with Russians. My guess this was to try to dirty up her email problem. You know she had an email problem because 30,000 of her emails disappeared into thin air which was illegal. Comey clears her of it. They’re afraid that these emails are going to come out so what do they try to do they build up, and I’m just speculating here, but they build up a narrative that trumps the one that’s you know doing something with Putin.”

The California Republican from the twenty-second district said he and his colleagues want to “get it right,” but they plan to send the referrals within the next “week to 10 days or so.” He also stated that he would like to recommend to the Senate to bring in Rob Rosenstein for several days of deposition to answer what he says is a lot more questions.

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