BOCA RATON, FL – How can you tell a rally is being held by Republicans? Easy…. there is no smashing of store windows with starving looters running off, their backs bent over, burdened down with TV sets and boxes of high end sneakers, no torching of buildings, no jumping on police vehicles, bashing in their windshields with skateboards and then setting them aflame, no demonstrators defacing with spray paint anything in sight and lastly, cops are not in any danger of being assaulted, spit on and demeaned. In other words, peaceful and law abiding. That’s what we’re all about.

That sets the stage for our Judeo/Christian Republican Club of Palm Beach’s rally held in front of the Boca Raton Police building on the scorching afternoon of Monday, June 22, to show the community’s respect, admiration and love for their police. Over 200 of us showed up with placards, banners and flags, all in support for the Boca Raton Police Department and the re-election our President Trump, a fervent cop supporter. The peaceful rally opened with the pledge to the flag (not burning it) and the singing of G-d Bless America. No one took the knee. There was no hate evidenced in the crowd. The assemblage of little kids, teens, young parents and seniors all showed not remarkable behavior, but typical, ordinary, normal, acceptable examples of plain decency. The only stain on the day were four white college age women who f-worded our group and threw in the raised middle finger. They were laughed off and ignored. Their sports car was not stoned, stopped and overturned. A lesson in crowd decorum that Progressive radicals have yet to learn. A required freshman college course “Normal Human Behavior 101” is in order. Better yet in kindergarten, rather than kiddie lessons in birth control.

Perhaps a crowd of this size congregating openly, despite the discomfort of a steamy, sunny day and amidst the threat of the Chinese Virus is a sign that our citizens are fed up with the violence, hatred and insanity of the Progressives whose goal is clearly to destroy this nation from within. They see our cities taken over by thugs with politicians joining in, ordering police to stand down and merely observe the destruction of their own towns and the complete shredding of the rule of law they’ve sworn to uphold. They’ve had it. Our concern is that the patience of most Americans is wearing thin. They’ve absorbed enough. In the not so distant future, they will finally stand up and resist the country’s destruction. When that happens, all hell will break loose. An uprising is in the winds.That means an unusual revolution, a counter-revolution, not to overthrow our government, but one to defend and maintain our nation’s democracy. That will be bloody. At this point, it sadly seems inevitable. The signs are there. Our crowd in support of the Boca Raton police is a sign that our good people are beginning to get edgy. They’re coming out. Speaking out. Our nation is becoming a tinder box. Once it’s lit….watch out.
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