Robbie’s Hope Foundation Announces National Contest Winners; Teens Use Variety of Mediums During Quarantine to Express Creativity and Emotions

WHEATRIDGE, CO – Robbie’s Hope Foundation today announced the winners of its third national Hall of Personal Expression (H.O.P.E.) Contest. The contest motivates teen participants, ages 13 and up, to voice their feelings – joy, sorrow, anxiety, elation, depression, etc. — on critical life issues they face daily while they showcase their artistic perspectives through creative writing, music, fine arts, visual and digital arts.
Almost 400 entries were received from nearly every state. The Grand Prize winner will receive $1,000. Each Category Winner receives $500 (Music Category winner also will receive an all-expense paid trip to Denver for a recording session at The Keep studio). Honorable Mention winners will receive $250.
The winners are:
- Grand Prize & Fine Arts Category Winner: Allison He (11th Grade – Plano, Texas) Charcoal drawing titled “Not A Virus”
- Digital Arts Category Winner: Linlin Yu (11th Grade – Bolton, Mass.) Digital drawing titled “No Silence in Resistance”
- Film Category Winner: Alyssa Ta (7th Grade – Renton, Wash.) Short Film titled “Living in a COVID World as an Asian American”
- Music Category Winner: Maleena Dominick (12th Grade – Moon Township, Penn.) Original Song titled “Don’t Forget Me”
- Photography Category Winner Devin Lindley (College Jr. – Hunlock, Penn.) Photograph titled “Unmasking Hope” (See Appendix)
- Poetry Category Winner Ashley Park (9th Grade – Chino Hills, Calif.) Poem titled “Clash of 3 Realities” (see Appendix)
Kari Eckert, executive director of Robbie’s Hope, said the objective of the H.O.P.E. spring 2020 contest was to inspire teens to use their talents as an outlet for their creativity and self-expression.
“Being a teenager is already difficult and the lockdowns, social distancing, and school closures nationally, the recent pandemic is adding to the cacophony of emotions. During this difficult time, self-expression is beneficial tool for stress relief and working through feelings” Eckert said.
Quotes from Winners:

“Quarantine is digesting. It’s time to cage ourselves with our thoughts, break free of our mundane routine, and surrender to isolation while feeling the depths of hindsight. It’s also time to contemplate the injustice and speak out under our masks. In these times we are creating an online presence to take off these masks so we can demonstrate human good. We will not be silent; knowing that is refreshing. ( And time and time again, we remember that beyond the walls awaits a promised sky, a hope of being much closer with people.”
Linlin Yu, Digital Arts Category Winner: Linlin Yu (11th Grade – Bolton, Mass.) Digital drawing titled “No Silence in Resistance”
“As a teen musician, it is important for me to use my voice to provide comfort and hope to my peers. Robbie’s Hope does such wonderful things for teen suicide prevention and I am proud that we were able to connect through this contest.”
Maleena Dominick, Music Category Winner (12th Grade – Moon Township, Penn.) Original Song titled “Don’t Forget Me”

“While living in a COVID World has surely disrupted my routine, it has also changed how I look at the world and how it looks at me. The mindset that many people have adapted seems to be, “Every man for themselves,” an idea that I wholeheartedly disagree with. It is in times like these that people should support one another, even if this can’t be done in person. Admittedly, I am very anxious about what is happening and the unknown future, but I know that it is still good in this world. And good will always win.”
Ashley Park, Poetry Category Winner (9th Grade – Chino Hills, Calif.) Poem titled “Clash of 3 Realities”
About Robbie’s Hope Foundation
Robbie’s Hope Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 2018 in an effort to broaden and deepen the awareness of teen depression and anxiety and facilitate suicide prevention. Robbie’s Hope Foundation is on a mission to cut teen suicide rates in half by 2028 by focusing on one simple thing—talking about it. Destigmatizing conversations around anxiety and depression, making it normal to talk about what’s bugging us, letting teens know they’re not alone, and most importantly—that it’s ok to not be ok. Robbie’s Hope Foundation can be found on the web at and
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