ASBURY PARK, NJ – Rasmussen Reports, the polling company founded in 2003, released their latest polling of likely black voters of President Trump’s job approval which showed it is now over 40%. Black approval and other non-white approval of the job President Trump is doing are today at 43% and 55%, respectively, according to the report. (
According to Townhall’s Bruce Eberle, if President Trump wins more than 20% of the black vote, he will win the election in a landslide.
No, Donald Trump is not going to win anything close to a majority of the black vote in 2020, but he doesn’t have to. If he just wins 20% of the black vote he is guaranteed to win the White House, and if he wins 25% of the black vote (which is within his reach) he wins in both an electoral and a popular vote landslide. In fact, a recent Rasmussen poll of likely black voters shows that support for Trump by Black Americans has surged after the recent rioting by the left to 40%! While it is unlikely that Trump will win 40% of the black vote, it shows that his support from the black community continues to build even after the tragic murder of George Floyd.
Eberle also noted that there is a huge enthusiasm gap between voters for Biden and voters that support Trump. ‘Even the Washington Post polls show a 69% to 34% enthusiasm gap between Trump voters and Biden supporters.’
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