MIAMI, FL – The Miami-Dade Police Department Robbery Bureau has arrested four suspects from an armed home invasion robbery last month, where four masked subjects entered a home through an unlocked front door. While two confronted a mother and daughter who were in the home tying them up with duct tape and threatening to kill them with a knife, the other two subjects ransacked the bedrooms and stole jewelry and cash.

The subjects fled in the victims 2017 Honda Accord. Their images were captured on video surveillance outside of the home. Below is the video that was released shortly after the crime when police began investigating.
UPDATE: SEPTEMBER 14, 2021, 5:34 PM: On Tuesday, September 14, 2021, the Miami Policed Department announced that they had identified and located a fifth subject, Amanda V. Desil, 24, of Miami. According to detectives, it was discovered that she helped conspire and plan the home invasion, supplied the target address and details of when and who would be at the residence to the co-defendants. She also communicated with the daughter and victims via facetime while simultaneously informing the co-defendants of her movements at the residence at the time of the incident, the defendant and daughter had been best friends since elementary school.

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