FORT LAUDERDALE, FL – Thanks to many of my supporters, after being politically targeted by the Mueller investigation and railroaded by a corrupt Obama appointed judge, I very narrowly avoided being sent, at age 67 and with a lifelong history of asthma, to a COVID-19 infested prison in Jesup, Georgia to die – all because I refused to lie about my conversations with President Trump in 2016.
Judge Amy Berman Jackson wanted me sent to this prison despite it being contrary to all current legal precedents, contrary to current Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Prisons regulations and without consideration for my age and the state of my health.
My doctor was convinced I would be dead within months, and my appeal – and the bombshell truth about the epic corruption of the Mueller investigation it will reveal – would die with me.
Judge Amy Berman Jackson wanted me immediately incarcerated in a prison that now has over 200 confirmed cases of COVID-19 among its inmates, and 53 cases among prison workers.
Judge Jackson actually wanted me to be sent to a prison that recently released a serial rapist, a pedophile, a child pornographer and an armed bank robber to protect them from the coronavirus. I thank God – and President Donald Trump – every day for saving me from this horrible death. (https://publishedreporter.com)
On top of the railroading she gave me at trial in which a corrupt jury forewoman, as well as perjury by every government witness, ensured my guilty verdict, Jackson was intent on sending me to my death so that my appeal cannot be heard a year from now.
I was literally facing a death sentence. Just 20 minutes before the President called me to tell me had had decided to issue an act of clemency in my case the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, stacked with Trump hating liberals – the same Court now persecuting General Mike Flynn – voted 3-0 to send me to my death!
Thanks to my prayers, to God Almighty, my supporters and to the courage of President Donald Trump who commuted my sentence only hours before I was to surrender to the Bureau of Prison authorities, my life has been saved and I live to fight the corrupt deep state that prosecuted me essentially because I refused to “flip” and bear false witness against the President.
I really wasn’t prepared for the public outcry after the President’s bold action. First, discredited Special Counsel Robert Mueller took to the op-ed page of The Washington Post to recycle false charges that I was communicating with Russian intelligence officers during the 2016 campaign. The attacks on me just keep coming!
Mueller henchman Andrew Weisman demanded in The New York Times that I be hauled before a Grand Jury to “get the truth out of me regarding Russian collusion with the Trump campaign” ignoring the fact that he had three years to call me before the Grand Jury and never did so and that an extraordinarily invasive investigation into every aspect of my life including my emails, text messages, phone records and paper records, turned up no evidence whatsoever of Russian collusion or any evidence that I possessed or knew the source or content of the Wikileaks disclosures prior to their release.
Then Congressman Jerry Nadler insisted that I had traded my “silence” about misconduct by the President in return for executive clemency and the commutation of my sentence. Never mind the fact that there is no evidence whatsoever to support this entirely false allegation.
Then Hillary Clinton herself weighed in claiming that I had “publicly and privately blackmailed the President” and would “spill the beans” if the President allowed me to go to prison. Again, there is no evidence whatsoever of the ravings of this bitter and corrupt loser. She insisted that my commutation was “part of a continuing coverup” seemingly oblivious to the fact that it was her campaign that got assistance from Russian intelligence to fabricate the infamous Steele dossier which was used to illegally justify the Mueller witch hunt.
Now I have no choice but to pursue my appeal because I know that if my appeal gets to court, the epic corruption of the Mueller investigation will be proven in open court.
I just don’t believe that we can count on Special Counsel John Durham to bring criminal indictments against all of those who engaged in treason and sedition and used their position in government in what amounted to an illegal coup to take down President Trump.
My lawyers tell me that this appeal, which is very strong, will take eleven months and will cost approximately 1 million dollars. But if I am victorious, I would no longer be a convicted felon and more importantly I would blow the cover-up of the truth about the Mueller witch hunt wide open.
It is absolutely clear that one of the major goals of the Mueller investigation was to ensure that I was kept off the 2020 Presidential Campaign battlefield. I am deeply concerned about the President’s re-election not because he is not a great campaigner and communicator but because I believe the Democrats will engage in widespread fraud in the effort to beat him. I am also very concerned about the impact of internet censorship of conservatives and Republicans and the continuing efforts by the mainstream media to distort the facts about President Trump and his Administration.
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