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The Dumb as Dirt Jewish BLM Supporters

More than 600 Jewish groups signed a full-page New York Times ad in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. The sign letter, published on page A17 of the print edition of The New York Times, appeared on the anniversary of March on Washington, backs what the groups csall the ‘current day Civil Rights Movement’ the letter says.

BOCA RATON, FL – What is the Jewish street terminology for those who give support and comfort to their enemies? One word…..”schmucks!” And so I’ll apply this adjective to the 600 Jewish groups that signed on to a full-page ad in this past week’s New York Times supporting and gushing over the Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) and its leaders. We’d expect such radical self hating Jewish groups such as T’ruah, Jewish Voice for Peace, J Street and Bend the Arc to stand strong with any Jew/Israel hating bunch of common street thugs. But to have the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the national umbrella group and spokesperson for such (formerly) credible organizations as Hadassah, Jewish War Veterans, ORT, B’nai B’rith, the Orthodox Union and our Jewish Federations, join in the parade to glorify the horrific platform of the BLM, blows one’s mind. 

To begin with, recall please, the demonstrations down the streets of NYC, led by thousands of BLM supporters chanting, “Kill the cops!” along with shouts of “What do we want? Dead pigs in blankets!” and “Fry ’em like bacon!” These signed on Jewish groups support such outrageous, dangerous, calls for murder of cops statements? And what of the 2016 BLM platform accusing Israel of being an “apartheid” state committing “genocide” against Palestinians and that Jewish supporters pushed the U.S. into wars in the Middle East. The BLM platform also officially joined forces with the BDS campaign to “free Palestine from the River to the sea” and to “dismantle (destroy) the State of Israel.” They said it, they mean it and they will stick to it. Many leaders of the German Jewish community back in 1932 also had faith in Adolph Hitler and ignored the obvious signs of his hatred for them. And look how they ended up. It’s history repeating itself all over again. Shame on us. 

The Jew haters among the stars of the BLM Movement are the likes of Linda Sarsour and Democrat Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. All of them are open, rabid supporters of Louis Farrakhan. Does anyone in his/her right mind think they have any compassion for Jewish causes? In fact, where have there ever been any organized black support for Jewish causes? When NYC Jews were being knocked down by blacks, where were the leaders of the black community in standing up and calling out their brothers and sisters to cease and desist in their racist, violent actions? What black organization has ever supported Israel’s survival by condemning Muslim terror in the Jewish State? Where is there ANY reciprocity on the part of the 35 million American blacks in response to the support they get from this nation’s minuscule three million Jews? Has any black elected leader ever pointed an accusatory finger at Al Sharpton for his Jew hating actions? None that we can recall. And recall, Big Al was a chief counsel to Barack Obama and if Biden wins, he’ll have that old goat’s ear on many issues.

Jewish leaders, those of the Democrat persuasion, who support BLM argue that while there may be some problematic issues with the Movement’s attitude and actions toward Jews, the overriding issue of “social justice for blacks” requires Jewish support for the group. False. It’s like being a little bit pregnant. If it walks like a duck….and quacks like a duck……Well, you know the rest. That is, unless you’re a schmuck.

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