BOCA RATON, FL – Plain old Donald Trump, demeaned and denigrated by the Democrats back in the pre-election days of 2016 as a joke candidate for not being a political heavyweight and for never having held an elected position has again slammed them to the mats. His nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, to replace the late Justice Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, has the Leftist Party stalwarts gagging up their morning latte’s. This was a move of political brilliance, a highlight of his presidency and one that shores up our sagging judicial system. We should all endorse her appointment! She’s the real thing. The Democrats have already begun their losing, self destructive campaign to demean her.
Let’s start by praising her devotion to her family and G-d. The Dems have already called out their cadre of religious bigots to attack Judge Barrett’s religion… Catholic, and devoutly so. A repeat of the big blunder they made in the raucous Justice Brett Kavanagh’s confirmation hearings back in 2018. At that time, current VP candidate Kamala Harris asked him if his religious beliefs as a Catholic would prejudice his decisions. A big mistake. Her party paid big for her and other Dems’ denigrating and humiliating his religion openly, during those hearings. And they will surely do so again during the coming weeks when Barrett will undergo her own battering at the hands of the religious bigots of the Left. They are like trained, rabid dogs.
Political comedian Bill Maher has already called her a “f**king nut” because of her religious beliefs. Barrett had previously been exposed to religious hatred tossed at her by Senator Feinstein in 2017 at her confirmation hearings to sit on the 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Feinstein, referred to Barrett’s Catholic faith thusly: “The dogma lives loudly within you, and that’s of concern!” The judge’s reply was direct and to the point. No flinching. “If you’re asking whether I take my Catholic faith seriously, I do. Though I would stress that my personal Church affiliation or my religious belief would not bear in the discharge of my duties as a judge.” She kept her temper in tow. But now, with all Dems voting against her, her gloves will come off. If they attack her again at her upcoming hearings, she will eat them alive. And if they continue to bash the Christian beliefs of Barrett, millions of Christians will turn their backs on the Dems and hand Trump his second term in office. We surely look forward to that.
Judge Barrett is also a proud mother to seven and it appears, a happy wife to her husband. She proudly trotted her family out on Saturday to be at her nomination at the White House. Two of her children are black, Haitian adoptees. Does that not rankle those on the Left who label Trump as racist? How will the perceptive public react to the sure-to-come attacks on a woman who has all the trimmings of an ordinary housewife and loving mother? (https://skylightwindowfilms.com/) Will the Feminists rush to her defense? Will Hillary stand tall with her? Will the media mavens voice approval for her? Don’t bet on it. They will robot-like, attempt to discredit her based on her religious beliefs. A huge mistake. They will lose and with it, the election as well. We hope so.
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