Flagler Fugitive Wanted for Armed Robbery Arrested During Traffic Stop with Use of Rapid ID Technology

 Jamari Baker Zyniah ONeal
21-year-old Jamari Baker and 19-year-old Zyniah ONeal were taken into custody. Jimari was arrested on an outstanding warrant for armed robbery and was additionally charged with giving a false name to law enforcement. He is being held on a $40,500 bond. ONeal was charged with driving while license suspended and resisting arrest. She is being held on a $1,000 bond.

PALM COAST, FL – The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office’s (FCSO) conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle on Friday morning after it was determined that the driver was driving without a valid driver’s license. The driver, 19-year-old Zyniah ONeal was aware that her driver’s license had been suspended. The passenger in the vehicle initially gave a false name to law enforcement but was later determined to be 21-year-old Jamari Baker. ONeal and Baker were taken into custody.

FCSO’s Major Case Unit had obtained an arrest warrant on September 24th, 2020, for Jamari Baker for an armed robbery that took place on October 24, 2019, in a residential neighborhood in the “S” section of Palm Coast.

Jamari brandished a handgun during the incident and pointed it directly at the head of one of the juvenile victims. Jamari originally concealed his identity during the robbery, which was captured on video, but after a thorough investigation Detectives were able to identify Jamari as the gun-wielding suspect and established sufficient probable cause for his arrest.
Previously, on April 8th, 2020, Jamari’s sister, Jamari Baker, was arrested and charged with being a principal to robbery with a firearm and principal to attempted robbery with a firearm for the same incident.

“This guy has made bad decision after bad decision,” Sheriff Rick Staly said. “Today he continued that streak by lying about his identity to try to avoid arrest. Thanks to the great work of our deputies and detectives and the help of our RapidID technology, we identified him and now he’s in jail where he belongs.

Jamari was arrested on his outstanding warrant for armed robbery. He was additionally charged with giving a false name to law enforcement. He is being held on a $40,500 bond. ONeal was arrested and charged with driving while license suspended and resisting arrest. She is being held on a $1,000 bond. They were booked into the Sheriff Perry Hall Inmate Detention Facility.

Jamari’s sister, Jimaya, has been involved in multiple high profile incidents similar to this armed robbery. In October of 2018 she was arrested for her involvement in a shooting incident in Palm Coast that severely injured the victim. In September of 2020 she was arrested in Volusia County after a robbery of an illegal gambling business.

 Jimaya Leann Baker
Jamari’s sister, Jimaya Leann Baker, 19, has been involved in multiple high profile incidents similar to this armed robbery. In October of 2018 she was arrested for her involvement in a shooting incident in Palm Coast that severely injured the victim.

Jimaya is currently being held at the Sheriff Perry Hall Inmate Facility with no bond allowed.

“This entire group of criminals needs to be held without bond for the safety of our community,” added Sheriff Staly. “They need to be dealt with swiftly and sent to state prison for a long time before someone is killed.”

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