Actress Kirstie Alley Sharply Criticized on Social Media After Announcing She’s Voting for Donald Trump in November

NEW YORK, NY – Kirstie Alley, star of the iconic sitcom “Cheers” and hit movies such as “Look Who’s Talking” was the subject of intense social media criticism when she recently announced that she would be casting her vote in next month’s Presidential election for Donald Trump over challenger Joe Biden.
This past weekend, Alley took to Twitter, announcing her pick for November’s election and her reasoning why she was casting her ballot for the incumbent President.
“I’m voting for @realDonaldTrump because he’s NOT a politician,” she said. “I voted for him 4 years ago for this reason and shall vote for him again for this reason. He gets things done quickly and he will turn the economy around quickly. There you have it folks there you have it.”
Alley, 69, who initially voted for Trump in 2016, has a history of expressing conservative views on social media, such as expressing disapproval of Biden and noting that she was one of the few members of Hollywood who would not shun the idea of working with Republicans.
It didn’t take long for the heat to start- soon after her tweet, the actress experienced anger from fans on social media over her support of Trump, as well as from some of her fellow members of Hollywood. Film director Judd Apatow tweeted that “Shelly Long was way funnier than you,” referring to the fact that Alley was the successor to Long’s character on Cheers in Season 6.
In similar fashion, Danny Zuker, executive producer of the sitcom “Modern Family,” chimed in by tweeting “Breaking: Shelley Long quitting is no longer dumbest decision made by a “Cheers” actor.”
Alley responded to the criticism by taking to Twitter and attempted to defend herself from the onslaught.
“Don’t think I’ve ever seen so much name-calling in my life,” she said. “Definitely not on my site here anyway I guess I’m not allowed to have a viewpoint without being called a really nasty names by what I’m going to suppose are really nasty people.”
Alley did have her supporters, however, including Twitter user Pam Weatherby, who replied “Thank you for being strong enough to say this OPENLY! Most in Hollywood are too afraid.”
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