NEW YORK, NY – Rudy Giuliani, former New York City Mayor and current personal attorney to President Donald Trump, was recently a guest on former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon’s podcast, where he claimed that he was in possession of additional materials from the now infamous laptop that he claims will prove alleged “corruption” of the Biden family.
The accusations of wrongdoing come from a story that Giuliani and Bannon handed to the New York Post, where Giuliani claimed to have come into possession of a laptop allegedly left at a Delaware computer repair shop by either Hunter Biden – son former Vice President and current Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden – or an associate.
The owner of the shop claimed to have discovered compromising information on the Bidens within the laptop’s hard drive, including an alleged email from an executive of Ukrainian company Burisma Energy – where Hunter was employed at the time – purportedly thanking him for granting him access to his father Joe while he was still serving as Vice President, suggesting possible large-scale corruption.
However, Giuliani later appeared on Lou Dobb’s show on Fox News where he expressed disappointment that the U.S. Justice Department – headed up by Trump appointee William Barr – had not deemed the credibility of the email fit enough to warrant an investigation.
While interviewed on Steve Bannon’s War Room recently, Giuliani claimed that the 2015 email was just the tip of the iceberg, and that far more incriminating evidence on the Biden family would be released soon. The following is a transcript of the conversation between Giuliani and Bannon:
Bannon: In the next 24-48 hours are you going to bring forward potential other information related to non-financial criminal activity?
Giuliani: We’re going to do both. There will be more financial criminal activity, more proof on the subjects we already have and even bigger deals that are eye-popping. And some personal conduct that has to be brought to the attention of the public to make sure people are safe. And that has to be handled appropriately before it can be discussed.
Bannon: Do you believe that personal activity is criminal?
Giuliani: I have no doubt it is.
The Published Reporter will look into the additional documents that Giuliani claims to possess when he releases them.
The laptop in question has since been confirmed to have been handed over to the FBI, with some claiming that the information within may actually be part of a possible Russian disinformation campaign targeting Joe Biden. In addition, multiple news outlets are questioning the credibility of the original New York Post story as well.
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