LAKE GENEVA, WI – A “Captain Obvious” statement from Yours truly, a practicing Catholic: Satanism has infiltrated the Catholic Church. How prevalent is it? Hard to say, but I fear it’s more widespread than many people may think.
Below are a few examples of overt Satanism in the Church. (Technically speaking, these examples are separate from the far larger corrupt element in the Church that’s indirectly caused by the devil, who tempts us to sin. The far larger corrupt element includes the scandalous actions of the notorious Theodore McCarrick, Marcial Maciel and others, not to mention those who’ve made false accusations against certain priests in the wake of the clergy abuse scandal. And we can’t help but see the division, confusion and tumult in the Church. Granted, Satan’s influence has been around since the Fall.)
The most recent example occurred in the Archdiocese of New Orleans, where Father Travis Clark and two women were arrested for obscenity—performing and filming lewd acts on a church altar that’s reportedly visible to passersby.
From Catholic News Agency (Oct. 12):
Archbishop Gregory Aymond … consecrated a new altar at the Louisiana parish where a priest reportedly filmed a pornographic video atop the parish altar with two women last month….
‘The desecration of this church and altar is demonic, demonic,’ Aymond said at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Pearl River, Louisiana Oct. 10, during a Mass at which he also reconsecrated the parish church….
One of the women with whom Clark made the pornographic film refers to herself as a ‘Satanatrix,’ and the ‘proprietress of the Church of Satanatrix,’ who posted on social media Sept. 29 that she would be traveling with another woman to ‘defile a house of God.’
And it seems Clark is not too remorseful over his satanic activity.
From Spirit Daily(Oct. 18):
DailyMail.com tracked Clark down this week at his parents’ house where he has been lying low since he was arrested for obscenity on September 30 and booted from his rectory.
The randy reverend wasn’t ready to repent, however, when he was approached in the driveway and asked if he would apologize to outraged worshipers at St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Pearl River, an hour outside of New Orleans.
‘Nope,’ an unshaven Clark replied, turning on his heels and dashing back inside. ‘I cannot speak to you right now. You’re a reporter? That’s nice. No comment.’
Another example of Satanism in the Church in relatively recent times…
In 2006, Father Gerald Robinson of the Diocese of Toledo was tried and convicted of the 1980 murder of Sister Margaret Ann Pahl.
Journalist and author David Yonke wrote in his book Sin, Shame, and Secrets: The Murder of a Nun, the Conviction of a Priest, and Cover-Up in the Catholic Church:
For Satanists and others who are out to mock Christianity, the inverted cross is a powerful symbol. Sister Margaret Ann’s killer had taken a cross and placed it, upside down, over her barely beating heart while the nun lay immobile on the sacristy floor, then plunged a dagger nine times into her chest, tracing the outline of the anti-Christian symbol of an upside down cross….[T]he killer covered Sister Margaret Ann with an altar cloth before stabbing her.
Robinson died in prison in 2014 of natural causes.
Yonke also reported that during the murder investigation, law enforcement found and viewed diocesan files involving “cases of sexual abuse of children by priests” and “reports of abortions paid for by the diocese.”
Then there’s Chicago and the Vatican.
In my Aug. 11, 2018 column, I featured an article by Catholic activist Stephen Brady, which gives a partial background of Malachi Martin’s “factional” novel Windswept House. Martin, who died in 1999, was an acquaintance of Father Alfred Kunz, whose 1998 murder in Dane, Wis., remains unsolved.
In 2019, Taylor R. Marshall’s eye-opening book Infiltration was released by Sophia Institute Press. Click here to read an excerpt. (It should be noted that the book is not without dispute and controversy. Click here to read Kevin J. Symonds’ detailed review of Infiltration.)
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. Pope St. Pius X, pray for us.
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