Seminole County Sheriff Invites Public to Attend 3rd Annual Halloween Safety Spooktacular, Drive-Thru Trunk-or-Treating Event In Sanford

Attendees will drive through Halloween displays decorated by members of the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office and other Seminole County agencies, including the Fire Department, Emergency Management, Animal Services, and Health Departments.

SEMINOLE COUNTY, FL – The Seminole County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) is inviting the public to attend its 3rd annual Halloween Safety Spooktacular, presented by The Hartford. This year’s event will be a family-friendly hunted drive-thru trunk-or-treating to ensure the safety of the community.

The event will take place at the Seminole County Public Safety Building located at 100 Eslinger Way in Sanford on October 29, from 6-8 p.m. Attendees will drive through Halloween displays decorated by members of the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office and other Seminole County agencies, including the Fire Department, Emergency Management, Animal Services, and Health Departments.

Children are welcome to dress up in their favorite costume; however, event participants are asked not to exit their vehicle. Each child will receive a pre-filled candy bag at the end of the drive-thru route. In addition, each family will receive a goody bag of materials provided by our sponsors, and safety masks.

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