SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Many people apparently believe this election is like any other, when it is as unprecedented as the response to this year’s flu has been. Those who get all their information from the media, aka “fake news,” will believe what they’re told: Trump is a dictator who lost the election but refuses to accept the loss! After all, the media’s been branding him as an illegitimate president all along, so this fits in with their established narrative.
Loyal, gullible Democrat voters, conditioned to regard Trump as that racist, homophobic, xenophobic “clown” in the White House, must be jubilant at the prospect of finally being rid of him—never imagining that they’ve inadvertently just voted away their future in favor of a Marxist dystopia: austerity, enslavement, and misery for themselves and their children. No one would knowingly sign on to this—unless, of course, they expected to be the rulers.
Trump vs. Biden? No Contest!
Interestingly, I’ve read that Sleepy Joe got more popular votes than any president in our history! Hmmm… that’s quite a head-scratcher. How can arguably the weakest nominee who ever ran for the presidency have managed that trick? Biden has nothing to show for his 47 years in government, unless you count his profiteering in scandalous pay-for-play schemes. In fact, this tsunami of votes for him came right on the heels of the breaking news about his drug-addled son Hunter blithely selling Daddy’s influence to Communist China, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan for millions of dollars earmarked for the Biden family—including 10% for “the big guy.” I’d say Biden was also the most corrupt person ever to run for the presidency, but I think we need to bestow that dubious honor on Trump’s last opponent, Crooked Hillary.
On the other hand, Trump, in addition to his powerful advantage as the incumbent, has also proven himself to be one of our greatest presidents. His track record would take another six pages to recount: all the more astounding, as he accomplished this feat with both hands tied behind his back by the Deep State. And unlike most politicians, he actually loves America and the American people; he’s fearless, genuine, compassionate, amazingly hard working, honest, smart, funny, charismatic—and truly an inspiration to millions of Americans who by now love him so much they’ve started chanting “We love you!” at his recent huge rallies.
A Trump Second Term: Justice for Coup Plotters
I’d go so far as to say that many Democrats and their assorted globalist pals don’t actually hate Trump himself. What they hate is being exposed and being thwarted, and Trump has been brilliant at doing both. They’re also fearful. These folks don’t want to wait four more years. They’ve committed treason—they’re in it up to their eyeballs. Recall that in 2016, Hillary was caught screaming at Matt Lauer for putting her on the spot in a presidential candidate forum. Afterwards, in one of her storied meltdowns, she yelled, “If that f—ing bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!” The prospect of the noose is why the Dems and Deep State have been so desperate to get Trump out. Unfortunately, all this time, POTUS has been without an attorney general who would aggressively pursue justice for these felons. And now we may have to pay a high price for the DOJ’s negligence, dereliction of duty, or, more likely, complicity. And yes, I mean Barr. No more benefit of the doubt.
For now push has truly come to shove. The Leftist cabal—including not only the Democrats, but also the international banking cartel, Soros and pals, Big Tech, the Deep State (including those embedded in the DOJ, FBI and CIA), etc., is going for broke. They would have preferred to implement their grand agenda of world domination under a Hillary presidency, since she’s one of them and would have aided, rather than impeded their plans. However, to usher in their vaunted New World Order, I believe they would have used the same Covid Pandemic ruse they inflicted on us this year—they had that playbook established at least as far back as 2011 (see the film “Contagion”).
The Dems’ Multiple Coup Attempts—Third Time Charm?
Recall that the Deep Staters concocted an “insurance policy” to get Trump out of the Oval Office as soon as he got there. That was the Russia Hoax, which dragged on for nearly two years. Then came the even more desperate Ukraine Phone Call Hoax. That one was beyond absurd, but it kept the “Orange Man Bad” narrative alive, which I believe was its intended purpose.
And now we come to the ultimate coup d-état—the classic kind—the overthrowing of the government. Now the Dems and the enormously powerful globalist/Marxist cabal behind them, are trying to overturn the election that Trump clearly won. This time, they’re seeking to oust him not by cooking up more phony scandals, but through massive election fraud. They’re playing hardball. This is nervous time for us. These are very dangerous waters.
Just as the enemies of America war-gamed the pandemic (Event 201) shortly before unleashing it on us, so too did they war-game stealing this election from President Trump. Anyone with half a brain could see Trump was going to win in a landslide, even after the globalist Left pulled the rug out from under Trump’s soaring economy with the draconian lockdowns. He was drawing unprecedented crowds at rally after rally, while Joe either hid in his basement, or emerged briefly and spoke to groups of 30 people compared to Trump’s 30,000. While Trump galvanized the crowds, speaking for an hour and a half or more, Sleepy Joe said as few words as possible, many of them garbled. He did, however, make one honest, revelatory statement: “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” This has to be the most damning Freudian slip ever. The truth will out.
War-gaming Overturning the Election
While the Russia Hoax showed some ingenuity, the Plandemic is the evil geniuses’ masterpiece that continues to wreak havoc with our lives. By contrast, their election fraud is blatantly obvious and would be easy to expose and counter, were it not for the media’s collusion. Tens of thousands of ballots mysteriously appearing at 4am, nearly all for Biden, overtaking Trump’s dramatic lead in multiple swing states? C’mon, man! Yet this outrageous plan could possibly work here, as variants of it have worked abroad. More on that below.
The globalist elites’ war-gaming for this coup was conducted by the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), including strategies for removing Trump if he won the election, and replacing him with Biden. Huh? Why would you war-game a coup d’état against your own President if he’d just won the election? Three guesses. According to Roger Stone, the brains behind this treasonous plan is Norm Eisen—the Dem operative who also orchestrated the Ukraine phone call impeachment of the President.
A Snake in the Grass: Norm Eisen
Worse yet, Eisen is apparently the mastermind behind many of the so-called “color revolutions,” largely funded by Soros, that have successfully effected regime changes in a number of Eastern European and Middle Eastern countries, by toppling legitimate heads of state through nefarious subterfuge. In fact, Eisen is a key author of the blueprint for overthrowing regimes: “The Democracy Playbook: Preventing and Reversing Democratic Backsliding.” How’s that for an Orwellian title? Alarmingly, Eisen and his pals are now bringing their diabolical strategy to our own election and our own President.
It’s actually a pretty simple blueprint. To pull off a regime change, you need control of the media—which the Dems have in America— boatloads of money (think Soros, etc.)—and hired thugs who’ll riot in the streets when you give the signal. You spread rumors that the election was fraudulent and/or you mess with the votes to serve your purpose. You mobilize your shock troops of lowlifes to stage protests, carrying placards calling for the ouster of the leader you want to overthrow. You trigger violence and mayhem. The press blares out your narrative on cue: the people are demanding that so-and-so step down! And presto—you send the legitimate leader packing and install your guy in his place.
America’s Color Revolution
To bring this home: Our own unconscionable media is right now aiding and abetting a similar regime change plot in America. Take a look at this quote from the New York Times, “A sitting president has spent months telling lies about non-existent voter fraud. Now that his re-election bid is in deep trouble — but with the outcome still uncertain — he has unleashed a new torrent of falsehoods, claiming that the other side cheated. He has demanded the Supreme Court intervene to decide the election in his favor.” And this: “In the simplest terms, the president of the United States is attacking American democracy in an effort to remain in office.”
That’s how it’s done. Convince the public that what they see with their own eyes is false, and what the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC and the Washington Post tell them is true. Today, November 7th, Joe Biden declared victory and he and Kamala Harris both gave formal acceptance speeches, though Trump won this election, and the President’s team is busily gathering mountains of evidence of election interference and voter fraud by the Dems. It isn’t over, folks! It’s just phase three of the Color Revolution psy-op. Trump can still emerge as our rightful President—but we clearly can’t take this for granted.
The Times’ reporter quoted above did make one true statement in the same article—we just have to read it in the context of reality rather than that of the Left’s poisonous narrative. “This is a dark and dangerous moment for American democracy.” And for our Republic—if we can keep it.
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