Biden’s Transition Delayed As GSA Won’t Approve Funding; Says “An Ascertainment Has Not Yet Been Made” – Waiting Until Winner Is Clear

After Joe Biden presumptively defeated Trump in the November 2020 election, a GSA administrator refused to sign a letter allowing Biden’s transition team to formally begin work and access federal agencies and transition funds; this came as Trump refused to acknowledge Biden’s presumptive victory. Photo credit: Nuno21 /, licensed.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – According to reports, pressure is mounting on the General Services Administration (GSA) – an independent agency of the United States government that supports the basic functioning of federal agencies – to acknowledge the outcome of the presidential election and provide support to President-elect Joe Biden’s campaign in order to establish an orderly transfer of power.

After Joe Biden became president-elect presumptively defeating Trump in the November 2020 election, Emily W. Murphy, a Trump-appointed GSA administrator, refused to sign a letter allowing Biden’s transition team to formally begin work and access federal agencies and transition funds; this came as Trump refused to acknowledge Biden’s presumptive victory.

Biden, if the GSA approves his transition, would gain access to millions of dollars in federal funds that would pay for salaries and travel for his transition team; the Presidential Transitions Act already gives Biden’s team office space at the Commerce Department.

Nearly all major media outlets (except one), including MSNBC, CNN, and FOX, have projected Biden as the president-elect Saturday based on what they said was an insurmountable lead in the polls. However, the GSA may be awaiting the results of recounts Trump has demanded in a several states where the race ran especially close, in addition to various legal challenges brought about by Trump’s campaign.

A GSA spokesperson was quoted as saying that the agency is waiting until a winner is clear before starting the process of aiding the victor of the 2020 election.

An ascertainment has not yet been made. GSA and its Administrator will continue to abide by, and fulfill, all requirements under the law,” the spokesperson said.

Trump has repeatedly insisted that Biden had won the 2020 election by widespread voter fraud, and has refused to concede. Instead, Trump’s campaign has been ramping up lawsuits in several states, with many early ones thus far thrown out by the courts for lack of evidence.

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