SALT LAKE CITY, UT – For four years democrats and the lapdog media have refused to accept the election of Donald Trump. They have demeaned and attacked him in every imaginable way. Their accusations have been unfounded, unverified, unproven, and consisted mostly of outright lies that have already been debunked. There has never been anything that even approached civility or unity.
Fast forward. We just had an election that was flooded with provable fraud. The same people who made all those unfounded false accusations now avoid mentioning the fraud or just say it is “unverified.” They attempt to vilify the president for daring to ask for an investigation. They demand that he contritely concede and quit being selfish, for the good of the country. Meanwhile, if the investigation reveals their cheating, they are preparing to riot and blame it on Trump.
Could the American people possibly be dense enough to be taken in by the leftist propaganda? As verified in my previous column we are witnessing an ongoing Marxist coup. We need to be concerned about every newscaster, every RINO, and every sycophant, who is fighting against investigation of voter fraud. Each and every one could be suspected of being part of the Marxist conspiracy, or being an anti-freedom traitor, or simply a sniveling coward.
There is mounting evidence that foreign and domestic enemies illegally interfered with voting systems in the November 2020 election. If the damning evidence is certified President Trump will win reelection and the conspirators will be brought to justice.
Some of those who might be guilty of election interference are trying to short circuit the investigation and are calling for unity behind the suspect party. Others are saying things like, “We should keep a list and punish everyone who has taken Trump’s side.” Yes, leftists are actually calling for Stalin-style blacklists to be utilized for punishment and revenge. The “brownshirt” arm of the Marxist party (Antifa and BLM) are planning violence against any who resist their ideology.
Many are willing to lie, cheat, fight, and even kill for power. We cannot hope to resist them with halfhearted commitment. There is an old saying related to Marxism that can go both ways: Better red than dead or better dead than red. That is the choice we face, except that the truth is that Marxism always ends with suffering and death. Socialism caused the death of over 100 million in the last century, most of them by their own government. The leftists are trying to trick us out of our freedom or at least confiscate our guns before we start to defend ourselves.
The editorial board of The Epoch Times has warned: “This is a conflict that transcends party lines, a battle between whether we as Americans can stay true to our founding principles and follow God’s will, or whether we will be subjected to forces that seek to control and destroy our most fundamental rights…We have communist China at our gates, ready to take over. The CCP has carefully studied the U.S. system over the decades and now has successfully taken advantage of our open society and has infiltrated our country.”
It has been reported that imperial Japan was reluctant to invade the US West coast during World War II because of the large number of armed civilians who would resist them. There are now over 80 million gun owners in America, who own at least 400 million guns. The world’s top ten armies combined only have a few million soldiers.
An invading army of two million could be overwhelmed by 80 million patriots. Most violent factions would hesitate to attack even a million peaceful deer hunters capable of defending themselves. Generations of those fighting to end or prevent slavery have been inspired by the Battle Hymn of the Republic.
Please do not misunderstand. None of my writings should be interpreted as being supportive of illicit violence. As a matter of fact, I am hoping and calling for compassion and peace.
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