FORT LAUDERDALE, FL – The folks at CNN are nothing if not relentlessly misleading and dishonest. When activists dredged up my #StopTheSteal slogan from 2016, CNN reported that I had “ties” to the organization and that I was “coordinating” a massive disinformation campaign. I did, in fact, coin the slogan “Stop the Steal” in 2016. It was accurate then, and it accurately reflects the situation today.
Being CNN, they of course mentioned that one state got a federal restraining order against Stop the Steal in 2016, which was vacated by a higher court, but what they didn’t tell you is shortly before the election, Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party in various states filed five different federal lawsuits in five separate states around the country: North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Ohio, and Nevada.
Each was virtually identical and alleged that then-candidate Donald Trump and his campaign were conspiring with me and Stop the Steal to illegally suppress Black votes in those states. Each lawsuit sought an injunction prohibiting this, and named as defendants Donald Trump, Roger Stone, the Trump campaign, Stop the Steal, and each Republican Party of the state in which it was filed.
In the course of 8 days, hearings were held in person in all six cases. In three cases, the courts denied the injunction, a clear win for Stop the Steal. Those cases were the ones filed in Arizona, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, and those courts rejected each case out of hand.
In Nevada, the court asked for further briefing and a second hearing, and the parties settled by agreeing to provide the judge with a copy of the training materials and a list of volunteers that would be working in Nevada.
In Ohio, the district court ruled against Trump and me and in favor of Hillary. They granted an injunction on the Friday before the election.
That Friday, Trump and I appealed that order to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Sunday morning, the Sixth Circuit reversed the District Court’s order, dissolving the injunction, and thus ruling in favor of Trump and me. David Boies filed an emergency appeal of the Sixth Circuit’s order on Clinton’s behalf in the United States Supreme Court and asked for an immediate hearing.
The court in Philadelphia concluded its hearing and ordered that no injunction would be issued. Then the United States Supreme Court issued its one-page ruling. Written by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg for a unanimous Court, it dismissed the appeal, ruling that an injunction would be improper, upholding the decision of the Sixth Circuit.
The Democrats’ Legal Smears Failed, But The Hacks At CNN Won’t Tell You That.
These same propagandists showed up at my house at 5:45 AM on January 25, 2019 to film the raid on my home by 29 heavily armed FBI Agents. Although the FBI sealed the street where I lived, they permitted CNN to film my pre-dawn arrest. In fact, my home security video shows a CNN film crew arriving and setting up just 25 feet from my front door 11 minutes before the FBI arrived.
Josh Campbell, a former Special Assistant to FBI Director James Comey, now with CNN, was the first news correspondent to report on my arrest. My own lawyers learned of my arrest in a phone call from a CNN producer who actually e-mailed him a draft of my sealed indictment at 7:05 AM that had no time-stamp or pacer markings.
The indictment was not unsealed until 9:30 AM by a Federal Magistrate. This is proof positive that CNN had advance notice of my arrest and their presence 25 feet from the front door of my home was not the result of a journalistic hunch or “reporter’s instinct” as they claimed.
Because the FBI executed a search warrant for my home at the same time they executed the warrant for my arrest, and because the leak of the timing for the execution of a search warrant is a felony, someone in either the Special Counsel’s office or the FBI broke the law (Andrew Weissman).
CNN’s massive campaign of distortion continues to this day.
Thus far, the #StoptheSteal protests in Washington and across the country have been peaceful. The only violence has come from the BLM and ANTIFA thugs who savagely attacked a number of peaceful demonstrators after the Washington protest.
Just as the President used the massive crowd size at his rallies to disprove the false mainstream media narrative that his support was dwindling and he was hopelessly behind in all the polls, so must supporters of the President now rally at peaceful protests to object to the heist of the 2020 election, which is taking place in broad daylight and in plain sight.
The insistence of the mainstream media talking heads that there is no evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election is like denying that water is wet, the earth is round, and that the sun will come up tomorrow morning. The evidence is overwhelming and compelling.
It appears from credible news reports that the 2020 election was stolen through two distinct types of voter fraud. There is more than sufficient evidence of fraud involving mail-in ballots, absentee ballots, military ballots, and the usual shenanigans on Election Day by the Sachems of the Democratic Party in Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, and virtually every major city in America.
Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani has done an excellent job of drawing public attention to these egregious violations of election law. More disturbing is the growing evidence of cyber manipulation of the 2020 vote. The corporate-owned media and the political elites will attempt to laugh this off as a “conspiracy theory.” They have derided attorney Sidney Powell, who says that she has evidence and will prove in court how Democrats hijacked the 2020 election.
Corrections: If you are aware of an inaccuracy or would like to report a correction, we would like to know about it. Please consider sending an email to [email protected] and cite any sources if available. Thank you. (Policy)
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