TRENTON, NJ – New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and his family were confronted by hecklers while dining out this past weekend, with video of the incident now hitting the internet showing the profane encounter.
Murphy, who was dining in an outdoor restaurant with his wife Tammy and their four children, was beset by at least two maskless women who immediately launched into a tirade while recording the encounter on their phone, calling the New Jersey Governor a “d**k” and other foul-mouthed insults.
“Oh my God, Murphy, you are such a d**k,” one woman, who does not appear on camera, could he heard saying. “You’re having fun with your family. In the meantime, you’re having all kind of bulls**t going on?” another woman said.
Murphy and his family were seen in the video seated in an outdoor section of the restaurant while eating without masks, as permitted by both state and CDC health guidelines. Murphy initially attempted to ignore the two women, but eventually stopped eating and put on a mask as his wife started to record the confrontation.
Murphy’s son inquired if the two women were drunk, and then asked them to put on masks, as they appeared to be standing closer than the 6-feet social distancing guidelines mandate allows. Instead, one of the women responded, “You can go f**k yourself, how’s that? I don’t need a f**king mask. You know why I don’t need a mask? Because there ain’t nothing f**king wrong with me.”
The altercation eventually ended when an associate of the two women appeared to usher them away from Murphy’s table.
“I’m a big boy, I have thick skin. It doesn’t impact me at all and I think I can say the same thing for my wife,” Murphy later said of the incident at a press conference. “I would say this though: our kids are not part of that…and I don’t even know who these people were, by the way.”
Murphy has been the recent recipient of backlash from some constituents over strict restrictions he has imposed – including 10-person limitations on gatherings – in an attempt to curb flare-ups of the COVID-19 pandemic as the county heads into colder weather. However, many New Jersey residents have protested the new restrictions as the holiday season approached, citing a need to see loved ones and to get back to a normal life.
At the time that Murphy imposed the new restrictions, the COVID-19 positivity rate in New Jersey had reached 12 percent.
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