BOCA RATON, FL – In this piece, discussing parts of Obama’s new book, “A Promised Land,” I’ll be, as I’ve always been, open and above board. From the day he was nominated, in 2012, to be the Democrat candidate for President, until this morning, we’ve all felt he’s had an intense dislike for Jews and particularly for the Jewish State. Perhaps his birth religion, Islam, and his early upbringing as a Muslim, had this effect on his future actions. However, his recently released book, “A Promised Land,” spewing an outpouring of lies about Israel, its history and its Jewish supporters, gives clear evidence that his surely, soon-to-be orchestration of the “Biden” White house will cause grief to the aforementioned victims. BHO’s chess pieces are all in place. For years, openly Jew hating blacks, have been drum-beating in the House and now, black, Georgia Senatorial aspirant, Rev. Raphael Warnock, a Rev. Wright supporter, is knocking on the door in a run-off election that surely will be clouded over with Democrat chicanery. Not good news to us.
This 750 page tome by Obama intentionally and maliciously, intends to distort history, specifically negating the legitimacy of the Jewish State. He claims that when Britain issued the Balfour Declaration, supporting a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine, on November 2, 1917, they (Britain) were “occupying Palestine,” then controlled by the Ottoman Empire, a World War I partner of Germany. Being on the losing side in that conflict, the Ottomans lost Palestine. To the winner goes the spoils. Strange that the former president, characterized as a genius by his supporters, is unaware that the war ended on November 11, 1918 when there were no British troops yet in occupation of Palestine. He then conveniently forgets to inform his readers that the League of Nations mentioned in its 1922 decision to give Britain control over Palestine, stated that, “recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.” So, Mr. Obama, the international ruling body called for the establishment of Israel, legally and officially. Enough crap about Israel being created illegitimately. BHO then goes on to further smear the Jewish occupancy of their homeland following the League’s mandate, writing, “Over the next 20 years, Zionist leaders mobilized a surge of Jewish migration to Palestine,” leading readers to believe that Jews were only then mobilized to begin settling in their new homeland. Facts, unknown to or ignored by Obama, point clearly to Jews having lived on that Biblical land continually for thousands of years, even after Rome conquered the ancient state of Israel. He further ignores the Arabs’ determination to destroy the new born Jewish State with these words of total, willful, absurdity: “As Britain withdrew (in 1948,) the two sides quickly fell into war. And with Jewish militias claiming victory in 1948, the state of Israel was officially born.” They did not “fall into war,” Five Arab nations attacked the already formed Jewish State of Israel and they were not defeated by ragtag militias, but by a unified, established army known as the Israeli Defense Forces. He is clear cut in his lying about the formation of and continued existence of Israel in the face of 72 years of constant attacks from neighboring Arab states and from Muslim terrorism. His complete whitewashing of the monster Arafat and claims that, “Israeli Apache helicopters leveling entire neighborhoods in Gaza,” without mentioning these actions were defensive in nature in response to Hamas terror attacks, indicates his deeply seeded hatred for Jews and specifically Israel.
This book, with predicted record sales, ostensibly written by Obama but with the sure fingerprints of a ghostwriter, will weigh heavily against Israel during the forthcoming Biden administration’s decision making years. Warning, this and the follow-up volume to be published in the future may become required reading in schools and that would lead to further Jew/Israel hating on campuses, Congress and the world. Obama and his minions mean nasty business for Jews and their causes. The alarm clock is ringing.
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