DELRAY BEACH, FL – Now that information has finally come out that the Democrats were “palsy-walsy” with foreign countries, including Russia and China, you wonder why the media was so quiet before the last election, when they knew details of those collusions?
For over 3 years, the Democrats were bellowing Russia, Russia, Russia, claiming that President Trump was a willing stooge of Russia and Vladimir Putin. It was finally proven to be a colossal hoax by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigating team. Many of the politicians, who pushed that false narrative, are now involved in their own scandal, this time with actual facts to back up those claims of malfeasance. Isn’t it amazing that since Joe Biden is the presumed next president, the media has seen fit to now cover those stories of foreign involvement with the Democrats, although rather reluctantly?
Under investigation are Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, James Biden, Biden’s brother and Representative Eric Swalwell (D-Ca.).
After almost a complete “blackout” about Hunter Biden before the election, it now has been learned that the FBI is investigating Hunter’s business dealings, with emphasis on his tax returns and charges of money laundering, while his father, Joe Biden, was vice-president. They are investigating Hunter’s involvement in getting “sweetheart deals” in Ukraine, Russia, China, and Kazakhstan, from which he raked in millions of dollars. The question is, did he report all those dollars to the IRS?
How did that involve Joe Biden? We’ll find out, hopefully? Before the election, a business partner of Hunter Biden, former retired naval officer, Tony Bobulinski, told a story of what was Hunter’s involvement in China, and how Joe Biden was a 10% recipient of the funds provided by the Chinese government to Hunter Biden. Bobulinski even claimed that he had an actual face-to-face with Joe Biden. Joe has denied any implication that he was involved, but it seems that “where there is smoke, there is fire”, It doesn’t look good for “Sleepy Joe” and the truth.
During the Trump impeachment activities by Democrats, from day one of Trump’s election, one of his biggest detractors was Representative Eric Swalwell, who along with Representative Adam Schiff, continually accused Trump of being a patsy for Russia and in the pocket of Vladimir Putin. Swalwell and Schiff continually stated that they had “irrefutable” evidence that Trump was involved with the Russians. The Mueller Investigation, after almost three years of investigating Trump, with a bevy of Democrat prosecutors, found no collusion or conspiracy by Trump with the Russians. It only took over $30 million of taxpayer money to find out this was a hoax. What a waste of time and money.
Now, the “worm has turned” and Swalwell has been accused of involvement with a female Chinese spy, whom he hired as an aide in his congressional office. Now you have a congressman pointing the finger at the president (falsely), when he was involved with an actual foreign agent in his own office. How can you not call Swalwell a hypocrite, when you have an immoral representative representing our country in Congress and doing what he was accusing the president as doing? Do you think Swalwell fits that description?
Is this what we can expect from a new administration? Will the news media be as skeptical of the Democrats as they were about President Trump and his administration? Don’t hold your breath for that to happen. I’ll bet that the “fake news” media will continue to hide most negative stories about the Democrats and Joe Biden, after all, they are the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.
So, don’t expect any bombshells, from the “fake news” media, with the exception of Fox News, the NY Post and the Wall Street Journal. It’s funny how the media seems to have a case of amnesia when it comes to corruption by the Democrats. You could say journalism is dead in our country as bias seems to be their mode of operation, all in the interest of one party, the Democrats.
May God bless America, as I feel we’ll all need his help with this group of reprobates taking over our government.
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