WASHINGTON, D.C. – In his latest attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election, President Donald Trump is now insisting via Twitter that the Supreme Court take into consideration the fact that President-Elect Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, is under federal investigation, which Trump claims will result in a “scandal plagued mess” for the incoming Biden Administration.
“Now that the Biden Administration will be a scandal plagued mess for years to come, it is much easier for the Supreme Court of the United States to follow the Constitution and do what everybody knows has to be done. They must show great Courage & Wisdom. (www.cbnasia.org) Save the USA!!!” Trump tweeted.
Hunter Biden is currently being scrutinized by authorities for his business dealings with other countries, including Ukraine and China; relationships that some contend could compromise the incoming Biden Administration.
Ironically enough, Trump referring openly to the “Biden Administration” in his tweet is the closest that the outgoing President has come to conceding defeat to his political rival. To date, Trump continues to declare himself the winner and has insisted that Biden only won due to widespread voter fraud, although multiple lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign to overturn voting results have mostly been dismissed outright.
Currently, the Supreme Court is considering a lawsuit filed by Ken Paxton, the Attorney General of Texas, alleging that several battleground states won by President-Elect Joe Biden – Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan – made “unconstitutional changes” to their laws prior to the election, and as a result millions of votes should be invalidated and the election handed to Trump.
Legal experts have dismissed Paxton’s lawsuit as “frivolous” and don’t expect the Supreme Court to even hear the case; however, 106 House Republicans want SCOTUS to overturn the election result and 18 additional states – also all with Republican attorneys general – have filed a motion supporting Texas’ case. It remains to be seen if any action will be taken by the Supreme Court before Monday, Dec. 14, when state electors will cast their official votes, cementing Biden’s win.
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