BOCA RATON, FL – The gods of political correctness have engulfed and smashed the age old standards of English grammar, particularly those of capitalization, in order to take the knee to the racist Klanners of the radical Black Lives Matter Movement. It’s strange that the graduates of (formerly) prominent schools of journalism, such as Columbia and Northwestern, who punch out articles carried in the NYT, WAPO and it seems in every other major news source have abruptly changed the rules normally (or formerly) taught in every American third grade class. They have taken one common adjective, “black” and now capitalize it only, only… when describing an individual who is….Black.
For instance, back on October 1, 2019, WAPO wrote; “A Texas jury ruled Tuesday that a white police officer who shot and killed an innocent black man in his own home is guilty of murder.” And then on Dec. 22, 2020, the same paper wrote; “1,301 Black people have been killed by the police in the past five and a half years; 2,495 white people were killed.” Why the sudden need to turn a simple, ordinary, commonly used adjective, black, into a proper one when describing people? Back in PS 97, Ms. Darcy would have taken a fit at this lunacy. But, she was not “woke” in those days. Nor was she a bigot.
There are black cars, white cars, black clouds, white clouds, black pants, white pants, and on and on. Just descriptive colors. Why the need to describe people in a different way? Does it elevate their stature? Give them greater prominence? Make them stand out more positively? Got me! If the color, “black” is so special, when referring to darker skinned people, what’s next? The current phrase, now sweeping the political country, just like snowstorms and hurricanes is…. “Women of color.” Will the naturally forthcoming phrase, “colored women” also require a re-writing as, “Colored women?” Obama, who, rather openly, behind the scenes, now the manipulating Gippetto behind the Pinocchio-like Democrat Party, delightedly initiated the growing, divisive race war that has engulfed the nation. He was also responsible for the hate fostered against the “haves,” “religious,” the arms bearing and denigrated our nation’s history as now reflected in the teachings in our schools and the physical shattering of statues of Lincoln, now a considered a racist. Open Jew baiting and assaults against Jews by blacks were engineered in his White House. And he’s not through yet.
He’s a master at manipulation with his cool appearance, smooth verbiage and a super student of the likes of William Ayres and Valerie Jarrett. Look to the near future when the second black President Harris obediently takes her cues and orders from her master, the first black president. More changes. We’re headed for a doody storm. Hang on.
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