BOCA RATON, FL – The big question being choked off and censored by the big-time media and not being front paged by the New York Times, The Washington Post or of major concern to the likes of CNN, MSNBC, CBS, PBS, ABC or NPR: “Will President Joe Biden confront China and be prepared to go toe-to-toe with that totalitarian nation?” We aren’t getting our hopes up for a positive response to this query. Firstly, the entire Biden bunch is up to its ears, wallowing in millions of China’s bucks as listed members on this aggressive Asian nation’s payroll. The shocking and treasonous story of Joe’s lackluster, ne’er-do-well son, Hunter, being bankrolled for millions of dollars to sit, cardboard-cut-out-like, on boards of Chinese companies, while being clueless about any business sense alongside his Uncle James as a hanger-on, should have been an election killer. But the ever friendly media played ball and swept the news under the Made in Beijing Carpet. Joe Biden, himself, acted as a willing key middle man between his avaricious, money hungry family and China, while serving as our Vice President. And yet, strangely enough, President Trump was hounded for over four straight years for being a traitor and puppet to Putin all based on Clinton purchased false info concocted by the Russians. And don’t forget, that evidence was approved by some FISA court whose judges have yet to step forward and take their bows. But no investigations into the Biden Cartel’s behavior with China. Why not and when will they begin?
Not to be outdone, the evidence of key members of the Democrat Party who have employed and slept with agents of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to grow. Senator Dianne Feinstein, had employed a Chinese spy as her chauffeur and all-around gopher and her official liaison to the California Chinese community for 20 years. According to the FBI, the staffer was part of an effort to spy and pass on political intelligence to the Chinese government. No one is talking about any investigation to discover the extent of this two decades of Chinese spying. Why is that?
And then another California Democrat, Congressman Eric Swalwell, was sleeping and seduced by an attractive Chinese spy, Christine Fang, who probably selected Swalwell because he’s a key member of the House Intelligence Committee. What secrets did he disclose while bopping this spy? Director of national Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, warned that China has targeted members of Congress and poses, “the greatest threat to democracy and freedom, since WWII.” Will the Biden administration dig further into Chinese spying? Who else was duped by Chinese sex spies?
All of the above intelligence gathering infiltration into our elected leadership should make us all wary of the vulnerability of anyone having dealings with the Chinese, governmental or business-wise. Has our intelligence community gathered any questionable relationships or hanky-panky between Chinese female agents and the horny Biden men? There’s no doubt that Hunter, a heavy drinker and drug user is an easy mark for women. And his Dad, touchy-feely Joe, himself, is well known for his overt, hands-on behavior with the opposite sex. Has he had his dalliances with foreigners of the Asian persuasion during his trips as VP? Are there any extortion ready pictures of them hidden away in Beijing? These are serious questions whose answers we are entitled to. In summary, we ask: “Is Joe Biden ready to confront China?” If not, why not? Don’t count on the media to do its job. Let’s continue to push this envelope. We need answers.
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