Missouri Rep. Josh Hawley Claims “Antifa Scumbags” Terrorized His Wife and Child at His D.C. Home


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) issued a tweet late Monday where he claimed that “Antifa scumbags” came to his Washington, D.C. home that evening to stage a protest and threatened his wife and child with violence while the Congressman was in Missouri.

In the tweet, Hawley claimed that the protestors “screamed threats, vandalized, and tried to pound open our door” and declared that “my family & I will not be intimidated by leftwing violence.”

Hawley has become a target of criticism in some circles recently, as he has been a vocal supporter of President Donald Trump and his attempts to overturn the results of the November 2020 election, where Trump lost to challenger Joe Biden.

Video of the event was shared on social media, where a group of protestors carrying signs and a bullhorn staged what they referred to as a “candlelight vigil” outside of Hawley’s residence, claiming that the Congressman was “disenfranchising black, brown and urban voters.”

While the group was shown standing on the sidewalk in front of Hawley’s home and chanting slogans into the bullhorn – drawing the ire of some of the Congressman’s neighbors due to the noise – there was no screamed threats, vandalism, or attempts to pound open the door, seen in the video although at one point protestors carried a sign to the front door and rang the doorbell.

At points in the recording, a woman could be seen looking out of a front window of the house.

Hawley was among the first members of Congress who vowed to challenge the certification of Biden’s electoral votes on January 6 from several key battleground states that Trump lost; while the challenges will likely prolong the process, they will ultimately be unsuccessful since the Democratic-controlled House has the votes needed to circumvent them.

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