Parler CEO: Facebook Continues Confusing, Hypocritical Stifling of Free Speech; Deletes Million Member Group “Joe Biden is NOT my President”

Parler CEO: Facebook Continues Their Confusing, Hypocritical Stifling of Free Speech
According to The Scoop, Facebook recently deleted a group called “Joe Biden is NOT my President,” The group, which had more than a million members, was established on December 15, 2020—just two weeks prior to its deletion. Photo credit: Fox News Interview.

HENDERSON, NV – Facebook recently deleted a group called “Joe Biden is NOT my President,” according to The Scoop. The group, which had more than a million members, was established on December 15, 2020—just two weeks prior to its deletion. In contrast, the anti-Trump “Not My President” page, which has existed for roughly four years, continues to post regular content attacking President Trump.

It’s antithetical to the American principle of free speech that an identical page with a nearly identical name and parallel purpose would be removed from Facebook just weeks after its creation. And it’s hypocritical of a platform which purports to stand for freedom of expression

“Both of these groups seem to be comprised of Americans criticizing elected politicians they don’t like. Facebook strategically targeting one over another for removal, displays their partisan inclination to elevate the voices of a certain political ideology, while silencing the voices of the dissenters,” Mr. Matze said. “At Parler, we encourage all opinions and voices to make themselves heard. Our exceptional growth in 2020 is a testament to Americans’ appreciation for free speech and a place to express themselves openly. Parler remains committed to being a neutral town square, which trusts individuals to moderate their own feeds as they see fit.”

John Matze, CEO of Parler

This is not the first time that Facebook’s content moderators have dictated with whom people may associate, what content can be seen or heard, or which political ideologies or allegiances are acceptable. Previous examples include the premature labelling of Joe Biden as the “President-elect” prior to any official declaration of his win (notably, later retracted), the restriction of the promotion of GOP senatorial candidates, and the removing or throttling of content related to COVID19 lockdowns, treatments, or vaccines. 

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