DELRAY BEACH, FL – After four years of turning a blind eye to violence against public order around the country, it finally evolved into a disgraceful breech of the U.S Capitol building. The phrase “when you reward bad behavior, you get more bad behavior” has come about full circle. What happened at the Capitol should be condemned by all sides of the political spectrum. This same outrage for this kind of behavior is unacceptable in a democratic republic like the United States.
Ever since, and before, President Trump became president, he has been vilified by the Democrats and their lackey’s in the main stream media. He has been called a dictator, a bigot, a racist, a homophobe, and an illegitimate president. Appeals to commit violence was prevalent by his ardent detractors. Representative Maxine Waters was shown in a video encouraging people to harass and forcibly confront the opposition members of the Trump administration. Some members were shouted at and verbally abused in restaurants as they dined with their family. Others were confronted and harassed in public places, sometimes being threatened with harm. Where was the condemnation by the Democrats and the mainstream media?
Riots and illegal behavior on the part groups such as ANTIFA and BLM were not condemned or confronted by some state and local officials. Their silence sort of condoned that violent and illegal behavior, which in way lead up to the situation at the U.S. Capitol on January 5. Many innocent people are frustrated by the indifference of their elected leaders in letting this violent and illegal behavior consume their cities and neighborhoods. Burning buildings and police cars, looting of stores, attacking and verbally assaulting police, are not acts of a peaceful protest. In fact, one CNN reporter while reporting on air that he was witnessing a peaceful protest while in the background there was was a massive fire set by the “peaceful protesters”. That was “fake news”.
Hundreds of thousands of citizens came to Washington D.C. to vent their frustrations to how they felt about the state of affairs and the real possibility that the past election was determined by fraudulent voting procedures. The mainly peaceful protest turned violent as thugs entered the fray with the intent to cause mayhem, thereby bringing discredit upon the many peaceful Trump supporters, which the thugs have, unfortunately, succeeded in doing.
It was just a matter of time when the violence condoned and encouraged by government officials, came home to roost in what happened at the Capitol. This total lack of condemnation by the Democrats of the violence in the various states and cities over the years, morphed into violence by some who attended the opposition demonstration in favor of President Trump. The behavior by some of the Trump supporters totally ruined the theme of protesting an illegal election. President Trump came out of this debacle as the big loser due to the misbehavior of some of his supporters in using the tactics of the anarchist groups, ANTIFA and BLM. He should have been more forceful in his condemnation of this violent behavior.
Now is the time for the Democrats and Republicans to bury their differences and strident rhetoric, and get together to bridge the gap of differing ideas that seem to alienate each other because of each side’s quest for political power. “The end does not justify the means”, and our democratic republic demands that civility must be the main tone of the parties going forward. Law and order, wherever and whenever it is breached, must be maintained for the good of the country. Violence must not be condoned and encouraged, especially by public officials.
The “Chickens have come home to roost”, so it is time to change our manner of speaking to and about each other, so that comity between opposing sides of an issue can be debated peacefully and without rancor, otherwise we will slowly become another “Banana Republic”.
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