NEW YORK, NY – Following the events of the riots at the U.S. Capitol building, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) announced that Congress is having discussions in regards to creating a commission to “rein in” the media and help stop the spread of disinformation that she said contributed to the attacks in Washington D.C. last week.
However, the recently-reelected Congresswoman was unable to provide many details on exactly what duties this commission may have if it does indeed come to fruition.
Ocasio-Cortez hosted an Instagram Live on Tuesday evening where she noted that she thought she “was going to die” when rioters breached the Capitol building while Congress was in the process of counting the electoral votes on January 6.
“Many members of the House were nearly assassinated,” she said. “We were very lucky that things happened in certain minutes that allowed members to escape the House floor but many of us nearly and narrowly escaped death.”
In response to a viewer’s question about “any discussion in Congress about federal truth and reconciliation or media literacy initiatives to help with healing,” Ocasio-Cortez noted that an “investigatory committee” is being actively discussed in Congress to address the issue of disinformation being spread by the media.
“I can say there is absolutely a commission being discussed, but it seems to be more investigatory in style, rather than truth and reconciliation, so I think that’s an interesting concept for us to explore,” she said. “I do think that several members of Congress, in some of my discussions, have brought up media literacy because that is a part of what happened here and we’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so that you can’t just spew disinformation and misinformation. ”
Ocasio-Cortez gave no specifics on this commission or what measures – if any – it could take against whatever media outlets it may or may not be targeting.
“It’s one thing to have differentiating opinions,” she said. “It’s another thing entirely to just say things that are false. So that’s something that we’re looking into.”
Despite the vagueness of Ocasio-Cortez’s announcement, Conservative talk show host and political commentator Dave Rubin criticized the news as an attack on free speech, claiming that “the left is trying to crush dissent” and referring to the recent banning of President Donald Trump and his allies from social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
“When she says disinformation or misinformation, she means really anything that goes against progressive leftist dogma,” he said. “When you mix the Big Tech portion of this, where they are going to censor the rest of us anyway, as it has become incredibly obvious over the last few days, well now you have politicians saying ‘let’s get rid of misinformation.’ Instead of the government having to do it they can do it through Big Tech, so it doesn’t seem like a full-on assault on the First Amendment, which is about the government going after speech. (highendbarbershop.com) ”
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