DELRAY BEACH, FL – You hear that term bandied about as if it was a given that it is true. If so, how do you explain why people of color or ethnic differences continue to migrate here, legally or illegally? The term racist is used today by those who generally can be considered “racial arsonists” like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Minister Louis Farakkhan etc.
These racial hustlers pooh-pooh any advances that minorities make in our country because it doesn’t fit their racial narrative of racial suppression. Tell that to Oprah Winfrey, the athletes in the NBA, NFL, and MLB. Ask the minority actors in Hollywood if they feel deprived? Ask the thousands of business CEO’s, the thousands of elected officials throughout the country, or the many minorities who appear in the commercials on T.V. (it seems most every ad has a minority in it)? When you make rules fair for everybody, the best people will achieve whatever their color or ethnic background. This is the United States, not the racist country depicted in the main street media and by the Democrat Party.
Why are a sizable number of minorities failing to make a success of life? It could be that they have been inculcated in schools and by some community leaders that the world is against them due to “white privilege”, a misnomer if there ever was one. In minority neighborhoods the crime rates are out of sight and it isn’t because of police brutality or “white privilege”, it is because the crimes are being committed by blacks against other blacks. The predominant minority schools are not teaching when chaos reigns in the schools and in the neighborhoods making learning almost impossible, without a hint of “white privilege”. Another problem is that the “umbilical cord” between the black community and the Democrat Party has had a cause and effect as to why some fail to advance when the opportunities are there for the taking. The minority communities must get off the “Democrat Plantation” mentality and become more politically diverse, rather than being taken for granted by one political party.
By demonizing “white” people as their oppressors, the minorities should be taking advantage of what our country has to offer and not be blaming others for their problems. Nobody objects to black people saying, “I’m proud to be African-American”. Nobody begrudges Asians, Latino’s or any other minority from being proud of their heritage, but by telling people you’re proud to be a white person, male, a Christian or straight, then see what happens? The terms racist, bigot, homophobe, nativist etc. roll off the lips of the sanctimonious elites who want to keep the races at each other throats. Racial or ethnic pride is either good or bad. I say it is bad when carried to an extreme when it promotes “Balkanization” between the various racial and ethnic groups. We must all have pride of being just an American, not a hyphenated American.
The old expression that the “squeaky wheel gets oil” can be applied to the racial arsonists mentioned above. The term “minority” no longer carries the dictionary definition. It is now merely a label used to justify giving complainers anything they demand under penalty of being called a racist or a bigot. The old shakedown racket is used to threaten public companies to “donate” to their group unless they want to be picketed or threatened with economic sanctions if they don’t comply.
We, as a country, must address this problem or we’ll lose many of our young people who think that crime is easier than doing the right thing because our country is a racist country. We must fight this false narrative that the United States is a “systemic racist” country.
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