Two Arrested After Volusia Detectives Recover Stolen Appliances In Daytona Beach Area Home Connected to Recent Burglary Spree

Volusia detectives recovered several brand-new stoves, microwaves and dishwashers and arrested two suspects after executing a search warrant Wednesday at a Daytona Beach-area home.
Volusia detectives recovered several brand-new stoves, microwaves and dishwashers and arrested two suspects after executing a search warrant Wednesday at a Daytona Beach-area home.

DAYTONA BEACH, FL – Volusia sheriff’s detectives investigating a recent string of appliance thefts from vacant homes recovered several brand-new stoves, microwaves and dishwashers and arrested two suspects after executing a search warrant Wednesday at a Daytona Beach-area home.

The search warrant at 114 Richards Lane revealed 18 new appliances, some of them still wrapped in plastic, stored at the house. Overall, detectives obtained confessions in 11 burglaries throughout the county and seized items including the vehicles used during the burglaries, cash, documents, electronics and other evidence.

Arrested were: Vincent J. Doyle, 38, charged with burglary of a dwelling, grand theft and possession of methamphetamine. Luis A. Aponte, 39, charged with burglary of a dwelling and grand theft.

Doyle and Aponte were charged today in a single burglary on Leland Drive in Deltona. Additional charges in the other cases will be forthcoming pending further investigation.

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