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Op-Ed: NYC Dopes Prepare to Vote in More Lunacy

In NYC, there are now nearly as many candidates jammed into the Democrat Primary race as there are members of a football team. The six foot social distancing rule would have them lining up for over a city block.
In NYC, there are now nearly as many candidates jammed into the Democrat Primary race as there are members of a football team. The six foot social distancing rule would have them lining up for over a city block.

NEW YORK, NY – If you’re strolling down any Big Apple street or merely taking the “D” train to your mother-in-laws, you may be bumping into the next Mayor of NYC. The reason… there are now nearly as many candidates jammed into the Democrat Primary race as there are members of a football team. The six foot social distancing rule would have them lining up for over a city block. And since the country is immersed in a “racial identity” frenzy, it’s only fair to identify what appears to be only two candidates among them who appear to be White. Others are Black, Hispanic, Asian and who knows what else? One of these bumbling, progressive less-than’s will surely be elected since the winner of any NYC Democrat primary is guaranteed to fill the seat in question.

But the race factor disappears when these Democrat office seekers indicate what they will strive to achieve once they take office. They are carbon copies of one another. All punched out of the same mold. They all vow to cut police funding, eliminate racism and deal with man made climate change. Scott Stringer, a White guy, called for the elimination of $1.1 billion in NYPD funding over the next four years, a move he said would “shift responsibilities away from cops and boost investment in communities impacted by police violence and racism.” So, if you’re a victim of an ongoing crime, you simply ask the guy who’s stealing your cell phone to dial your community social worker for help. Good luck!

Eric Adams, although climbing to the top as a Black former NYPD Captain and currently the Borough President of Brooklyn, claims that he will fight the racism that permeates the city. It didn’t seem to affect his rise to prominence. Strange, that this denouncer of racism once accused politician Herman Badillo of betraying his Hispanic heritage by marrying a White, Jewish woman, who at that time was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Who is the cold hearted racist here? Move over Al Sharpton.

Art Chang, of Korean descent reportedly is a director of JP Morgan Chase and records indicate he owns a Brooklyn 4,000+ square foot home now valued at about $4+ million. Although his fellow Asians are under nationwide attack from Blacks, he’s a fervent supporter of the racist BLM thugs. He plans to prepare NYC for what he claims will be a 10 foot rise in the ocean level by the year 2100. He promises that streets and bridges will be raised and airports relocated. He will have the city rely totally on solar and wind turbine energy, doing away with carbon fuels that choke and kill far off Europeans. He will see to it that every household stove in NYC be replaced with induction cooking efficiency. He will focus on teaching all New Yorkers to eat healthy. He described to a reporter just what he had for breakfast that morning: “Gluten-free toast with pesto, smoked wild salmon bits and soft-boiled organic eggs. Plain organic Bulgarian yogurt over chopped clementine and organic pear, topped with wild honey. Organic Mexican coffee with almond milk and turbinado sugar.” We’re sure that school breakfasts and homeless shelters will push his healthy menu. The other candidates spout more of the same fantasy nonsense.

White racism, police brutality, LBGTQ supremacy and endless freebies. Not one tackles the city’s sorry state of education, transportation, taxes, soaring crime rates, business closings and the related job losses. The flight of hard working, tax paying, lawful, moneyed residents to more welcoming areas are ignored. But you get, deserve and live with what you vote for. That’s how democracies are made and lost. We’ve seen that nationwide.

In short, many are sort of happy that DeBlasio will be gone for good. But his likely Democrat replacement might make intelligent, awake New Yorkers all a bit nostalgic for the likes of Ed Koch, Rudy Giuliani and even the legendary Fiorello LaGuardia. But in our current world of lunacy, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland and Ferguson, get ready to welcome your new slum-mate.

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