AUSTIN, TX – Author, physician, retired Texas Congressman and former presidential candidate Ron Paul recently spoke on the concept of vaccine passports on his YouTube-based political commentary show, saying that the document – which would identify individuals who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 –essentially “solidifies the whole concept that our lives belong to the government.”
Speaking on the Ron Paul Liberty Report, Paul – the father of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul – alleged the freedoms that Americans take for granted are slowly being chipped away, and if a line isn’t drawn sooner or later, life could truly become Orwellian in the United States.
The proposed vaccine passport, already in use by multiple countries across the world, is intended for use to identify yourself as having been vaccinated so that you can travel – domestically or internationally – or in other instances gain access to businesses or entertainment venues.
But Paul is insisting that these passports may represent the final straw in terms of the freedoms that people have potentially given up in the name of curbing the COVID-19 pandemic, but will this indeed make Americans say “enough?” According to Paul, it may be, as per the transcript of his show:
I think the vaccine passports might be the one that, or hopefully, that the people finally wake up. That’s enough. I am not going to put up with a passport identifier in my body. I mean that is a sacrifice — that solidifies the whole concept that our lives belong to the government.
I always said the military draft was a symbol of who owns our bodies and the Internal Revenue Service because they own everything and allow you how to spend it. They own liberty and now you are going to get permission to use a little bit of it. They are going to divvy it out a little bit. You’ll never get back what you should have. But that is what’s happening.
This is their guide for how to do it. Where you go, what you do, what store you can go in, what baseball game you can go, where you can go to school.
If this is not stopped — it is true, the people who are making these dire predictions about how bad things are going to get. If this continues, it is going to be bad. Right now, there is an effort, there is still an ability for us to speak out, if nothing else, one-on-one, talk to friends. And people can spread a message, and its still available, and we’re on the internet and we reached a few people. We have to do that. If we stick to our guns and speak the truth and tell and warn people and put it in a moral tone. You have to have a basic principle of what life and liberty is.
The government doesn’t give us our liberty and that is what they are teaching us now. They are giving us our liberty back one piece at a time. But I can guarantee you one thing, if you think you are going to get all your liberty back by one piece at a time, it ain’t going to happen. This is why we have to take a stand — vaccine passports, that can’t be allowed to go on because that makes it even worse. But the whole rest has to stop too.
Author, physician, retired Texas Congressman, Ron Paul
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