Egyptian Security Forces Kill Three ISIS Terrorists After Slaying Christian Man, Nabil Habashi Khadim, 62, in Sinai Peninsula


Nabil Habashi Khadim
Nabil Habashi Khadim, 62, is shown kneeling in front of his captors, facing the camera with his back to them.

SINAI PENINSULA, EGYPT – Three suspected ISIS terrorists were killed in the country’s Sinai Peninsula region by Egyptian security forces on Monday after they had allegedly executed a Coptic Christian man in a video released on Saturday, according to reports.

In the video (warning: graphic footage), the three alleged ISIS members – all of whom are welding AK-47s – can be seen standing behind their victim, identified as well-regarded jeweler, intellectual and businessman Nabil Habashi Khadim, 62, who is kneeling in front of his captors, facing the camera with his back to them.

At this point in the video, the terrorist in the middle begins a rant, which is translated as follows:

“All praise to Allah, who ordered his slaves [Muslims] to fight and who assigned humiliation onto the infidels” — this latter part is said while the terrorist contemptuously points at the bound and kneeling man before him — “until they pay the jizya while feeling utterly subdued.”

The terrorist continues his diatribe, threatening Christians in the West, before finally declaring “as for you Christians of Egypt, this is the price of your support for the Egyptian army.”  

At this point, the terrorist points his AK-47 to the back of Khadim’s head, and while chanting “jihad! jihad! jihad!” fires a shot, killing him instantly.

It is not known exactly when this execution took place, since Khadim had been reportedly kidnapped on November 8 in the city of Bir Al-Abd in northern Sinai; his death could have taken place at any time since then, officials say.

Reports indicate that Khadim had contributed to the only Christian place of worship in Bir Al-Abd, the church of the Madonna dell’Anba Karras; the one terrorist speaking in the video accuses him of this right before killing him.

Christians, police, and soldiers in the Sinai Peninsula region have often been the target of ISIS attacks. Urged on by this most recent case of brutality, the Egyptian army successfully carried out an operation against the members of the terrorist group involved in Khadim’s slaying on Monday, report say.

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