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Op-Ed: Jews, Defund the Anti-Defamation League

Anti-Defamation League
ADL CEO giving testimony at a Judiciary Committee Hearing in Washington, D.C., May, 2017. Photo credit: C-SPAN.

BOCA RATON, FL – It’s time for Jews who are truly concerned for the survival of American Jewry and Israel to finally take a deep breath and stop signing donation checks to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). That former, vital and fearless Jewish defense group, now under the leadership of former President Obama aide and Soros confidant, Jonathan Greenblatt, has shamelessly joined other such worthless groups as HIAS, J Street, T’ruah, Jewish Voices for Peace and The National Council of Jewish Women, who still badger and beg their Jewish benefactors for cash while serving the interests of anti-Jewish causes and movements. We must consider these organizations “traif” or “non-Kosher.”

But let’s for the time, focus on the giant ADL and Jonathan Greenblatt, its leader, a true, committed Leftist who, in a pro-BDS interview on February 1, 2019 with the LA Times, stated: “There are many people who get caught up in the BDS movement who are not anti-Semitic at all and who see it as a form of social protest.” Really? Name one. And just how can calling for the isolation and destruction of the Jewish State of Israel through BDS be viewed as speaking out for “social justice?” And exactly, who is in need of justice and who is denying it? Was he implying and standing firm with HAMAS and the Palestinian Authority in their claims that Israel persecutes their people? Ask the next ADL speaker when one comes begging in your community. Nail the guy!

The ADL also has patently and vigorously ignored the threats, vilifying words and actual physical attacks on Jews by blacks, their leaders and street thugs. After rightfully condemning black Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who defamed and accused Jews of buying our government’s foreign policies and that we have dual loyalty, Greenblatt crawled back to make nice to this Jew hater, proclaiming that Omar gave an “honest apology” and is “committed to a more just world.” And after another congressman of color, Hank Johnson (D-GA) referred to Jews as “termites,” the weak-kneed Greenblatt accepted the racist’s worthless apology, thusly: “We appreciated @RepHankJohnson’s clarification here.” The ADL never did ask this Black congressman if he understood that termites are routinely killed with gases and poisons? We do.

In NYC where violent attacks against Jews perpetrated by blacks is on the uptick, the ADL recently rewarded the city $250,000 to train kids not to hate. Would it not have been better to spend that cash focusing on teaching, specifically black kids, not to hate. Why waste funds on white kids who don’t participate in violent attacks on Jews or blacks? Is he fearful to pinpoint blacks as singularly in need of assistance to be peaceful?

And then the ADL along with 600 other brain dead “Jewish” groups signed a full page ad in the NYT in support of the Black Lives Matter Movement whose charter calls Israel a genocidal state, that supports the BDS movement that calls for our cops to be attacked and killed in the streets. Have these ADL geniuses read the BLM charter or walked in their processions to hear their chants of, “What do we want?…Dead cops!” Is the ADL supporting murdering cops, wiping out police departments or defunding them? If so, who would protect the Jews and other peacefuls in Brooklyn who rely on law enforcement? How is that congruent with supporting Jewish values and lives? The ad (again ADL supported) reads: “We speak with one voice when we say, unequivocally – Black Lives Matter.”

We don’t have a crystal ball as to where the ADL will stand with Biden’s new approach in renegotiating the Iran Deal. But when some Jewish Congressmen supported the original proposal and were rightfully verbally rebuked for doing so, the group coddled one of them, Jerrold Nadler, by stating that he suffered, “obscene and offensive comments.” Well, Mr. Greenspan, Congressman Nadler, in his very secure position and in supporting controversial and dangerous to Israel treaties and presidents, should have grown a thick skin long ago.

In conclusion, erase the ADL from your charitable donation list. Support others such as the ZOA, CAMERA and Americans for Peace and Tolerance, who all, without a moment’s hesitation, truly support America, our survival and that of Israel . It’s time to clean house.

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