BOCA RATON, FL – Now, after over one year of dealing with the deadly Chinese Virus, the world is demanding to find the actual source of this disease; where it came from and if it was natural occurring or man-made. Last Wednesday, President Biden dramatically ordered U.S intelligence to seek out answers as to the origins of Covid-19. However, there is evidence that he shut down a State Department investigative unit that was already deep into the study of the outbreak of the disease. What in the world is going on here? Why a new group of sleuths to replicate what was already in the works? With no answers being given by the White House, we’re suspiciously concerned that these newly anointed individuals, whose sole purpose is to protect the health and safety of our citizens, might themselves be infected with a political virus that will disable their desire to seek out the truth. There are deepening suspicions that their loyalty is not to the nation’s well being but to their real master… politics.
A little over a year ago, at the onset of the pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the self appointed “America’s doctor,” vigorously denounced theories, repeated by then President Trump, who is courageously no friend to China, that the novel coronavirus might have escaped from China’s military controlled Wuhan Institute of Virology. That government controlled lab outrageously claimed that their science showed the virus was “totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human.” Nonsense! But most journalists and even the World Health Organization (WHO) frantically jumped in to support Fauci. Then substantiated stories began popping up that Fauci and the WHO were closely tied, financially, to China and the lab. The all knowing doctor was forced to backtrack this week when it was disclosed that three workers at the Wuhan lab became sick and were hospitalized in November 2019, not long before the first reported cases of Covid. This info was purposely and criminally kept under wraps. It’s inconceivable that this information was not known to the leaders of the World Health Organization and Dr. Fauci. Had China reported these illnesses to the world at the time they occurred, it’s likely that millions of lives could have been saved and the world would not have been crippled and turned on its head by this virus. We repeat the word, “criminal!”
We’re concerned that the new investigatory commission appointed by Biden to research this problem will be a cover-up for the anti-Trump forces that used this virus as a major political campaign issue to denounce Trump’s handling of the pandemic and his claim that China was the culprit in militarily developing this virus. We also cannot dismiss the working ties Dr. Fauci has and the close financial relationship the president’s son, Hunter and the Biden family all have with China, as having a profound effect on the new group’s sure to be, rigged findings. It boils down to the wise, old words: “Follow the money (and political) trail.” This troubles us and it should you, as well.
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