SALT LAKE CITY – The founder of Utah’s Black Lives Matter chapter doubled down this week on a shocking Fourth of July Facebook post that she made where she declared the American flag “a symbol of hatred” and that anyone who flies it is a racist, reports say.
“When we Black Americans see this flag we know the person flying it is not safe to be around,” the incendiary post says. “When we see this flag we know the person flying it is a racist. When we see this flag we know that the person flying it lives in a different America than we do. When we see this flag, we question your intelligence. We know to avoid you. It is a symbol of hatred.”
Chapter founder Lex Scott noted in a Fox News interview on Wednesday that the incendiary Facebook post had drawn a huge amount of negative replies, but that her group has been deleting them as quickly as they came in.
“Ever since we put up the post, our page has been flooded with hatred from people who fly the flag,” she said. “And we want to thank those people for proving our point.”
Scott claimed that one of the reasons for her controversial post is that the American flag is often “co-opted” by hate groups and flown at rallies of the Ku Klux Klan and White supremacists without any anger from the general public.
“I would ask those people if they ever showed outrage when the Ku Klux Klan marched down the street holding that flag, if they ever showed outrage last week when Patriot Front, a White supremacist group, was marching through Philadelphia holding that flag,” she said. “When you allow a hate group to fly that flag in the name of hatred, and you say nothing, and you do nothing, you send a message to us that you agree with their messaging. You agree with that hate, and you condone it.”
When the interviewer asked her what she would say to people who say that the American flag is for all Americans, Scott claimed that she receives many angry and hateful comments on Facebook since her infamous Fourth of July post, and that many of them are from people with pictures of Old Glory in their profiles.
“If you see that every person that hates you is carrying an American flag how would you feel about that flag?” she continued. “I feel fear. That is not up for debate. I feel like the person flying it is racist, because every racist that I have come in contact with is either wearing that flag or flying that flag. I feel as if I should avoid that person because they may be dangerous.”
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